  • 期刊


The Assessment of Autonomic Activity Using Heart Rate Variability in Supine with Consideration of Time Factor


本研究使用心率變異性(HRV)分析測試31名健康男女,以探討在無針刺下,採用臨床針灸常用之仰躺臥姿。並分別觀察平躺5分鐘後;平躺22分鐘後;平躺32分鐘後;平躺48分鐘後等四個不同時間中,其自律神經的變化為何。 結果顯示(1)心率、RR間期平均值、RR間期標準差、相鄰RR間期差大於50ms的個數佔總RR間期個數的百分比、總功率、低高頻功率比、極低頻頻峰、極低頻功率、低頻頻峰、低頻功率、正規化低頻、高頻頻峰、高頻功率、正規化高頻、低頻最大功率、高頻最大功率等變項,在不同時間階段中有明顯差異性存在。(2)心率隨著時間的增加而呈遞減的變化,而RR間期平均值、RR間期標準差、相鄰RR間期差大於50ms的個數佔總RR間期個數的百分比、總功率、低頻功率、低頻最大功率、高頻最大功率等則是隨著時間的增加而呈遞增的變化。 實驗結果提示我們,由於長時間平躺就會使心率變異產生變化,故在研究針灸對自律神經功能之影響時,時間是一個必須控制的因子。


In this study, we use Heart Rate Variability analysis to test 31 healthy adults in order to investigate the change of autonomic activity in those who accept no acupuncture but rest on bed. We observed the change of autonomic activity separately after 5 minutes, 22 minutes, 32 minutes and 48 minutes. The results indicate: (1) these varieties, heart rate, mean value of the RR interval, standard deviation of the RR interval, Ratio LF/HF, pNN50, total power, the peak of the VLF range, the power in the VLF range, the peak of the LF range, the power in the LF range, LF power in normalized units, the peak of the HF range, the power in the HF range, HF power in normalized units, the maximum power in the LF range and the maximum power in the HF range, existed significant variation in different time course. (2) Heart rate decreased with the time increased. These varieties, mean value of the RR interval, standard deviation of the RR intervals, pNN50, total power, the power in the LF range, the maximum power in the LF range and the maximum power in the HF range, increased with the time increased. The results remind us that according to the change of HRV after resting on bed for a long time, time factor must be controlled in the investigation in the influence of the acupuncture to the autonomic activity.
