  • 期刊


Chang Ts'ung-cheng followed Liu Wan-su treating Dryness syndrome as Fire obtained from the Principal of "Five-Circuit and Six-Qi"




五運六氣 亢害承制 標本 天人相應


Liu Wansu (Hejian) who proposed an Universe-Human union theory was applied to treatment clinically. Polydipsia, polyuria and polyphagia (diabetes like syndrome) which was a chapter written by Hejian, based on the theory of the "Five-Circuits and Six-Qi" with internal-organ correlations. Chang Ts'ung-cheng was one of the followers of Heijian who had been proposed the treatment of dryness syndrome. This concept of treatment was based on the "dryness evil" and suggested that put out of the fire then the wind-dryness evil could be alleviated. The dryness syndrome can be classified as the following four categories: External for winkle dryness, Internal for extreme dryness, Upper for charcoal dryness and Lower for voiding dripping. This clinical findings was based on the theory of Heijian who added the missing words for the doctrine of "Huang- Di-Neijing" which stated that "All kinds of astringent, extreme dryness, strong dryness and winkle dryness belong to Dryness Syndrome". Dryness was one of the Six-Qi which defined in TCM as six basic substances in the Universe. Human beings contacted with dryness-Qi while internal organs should adapt to it. Whichever too strong or too weak may give body sickness internally, externally, cephalically and caudally. Ts'ungcheng favored for treating diseases with sweating, vomiting, laxative while treating dryness illness by putting away fire evil. He proposed a motto about treating dryness as "Whenever dryness, do not treat its wind and dryness evil, treat its fire and the wind and dryness will be gone" and obviously this concept was based on the principal of "Five-Circuits and Six-Qi". Medical doctors during Jin and Yuan Dynasty (A.D.1100- 1300) proposed many useful concepts in treating diseases which really worked and had been progressive for a thousand years. Dryness was a newly emerged concept which was invented by Heijian and put forth clinically and practically by Ts'ung-cheng. Application of this concept to treatment was documented in the book "Confucianism scholars concerning health about their family" of Ts'ung-cheng. In his book, there were many good examples and medical principles for treating diseases and cases of dryness syndromes which were explicated deliberately.


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