  • 期刊


Issues in the Yuan Dynasty Imperial Examinations: Types of Questions, Answer Templates, and the Regulation Allowing the Use of Chunqiu Hu shi zhuan




元代科舉 科考程文 胡安國 經疑


During the Yuan Dynasty, the Chunqiu Hu shi zhuan was included in texts approved for the imperial examination, and it subsequently became the exam standard for the Chunqiu examination, as well as for the Zuozhuan, Gongyang zhuan, and Guliang zhuan. Therefore, when discussing the relation between the Chunqiu and the imperial examination, most scholars considered that because Chunqiu Hu shi zhuan was the exam standard for the Yuan Dynasty, the status of this book must have been promoted. However, due to missing or incomplete materials, previous scholarship could not clearly grasp the relation between Chunqiu Hu shi zhuan and the imperial examination during the Yuan Dynasty. Now, with the newly available texts Yuan da ke san chang wen xuan and Xin kan lei bian li ju san chang wun xuan, which record the imperial examination questions, answer templates, and comments from the examiners, scholars are better able to understand this relationship. Information in these two books clarifies various issues regarding the imperial examination in the Yuan Dynasty. Moreover, we can see how the examination rules allowing the use of both the three canonical commentaries and the Chunqiu Hu shi zhuan finally shifted to mainly relying on Chunqiu Hu shi zhuan.


孔安國傳,孔穎達疏:《尚書注疏》,收入《十三經注疏附挍勘記》, 臺北:藝文印書館,2007 年。
王禮:《麟原前集》,收入影印文淵閣《四庫全書》第 1220 冊,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983 年。
永瑢等:《四庫全書總目提要》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1965 年。
申萬里:〈元代士人的政治關懷與時務對策—以《三場文選對策.壬集》為中心的考察〉,《隋唐遼宋金元史論叢》第七輯,上海:上海古籍出版社,2017 年。
舊題何休注,徐彥疏:《春秋公羊傳注疏》,收入《十三經注疏附挍勘記》,臺北:藝文印書館,2007 年。
