  • 期刊


A Study on Guo Ming Ru's Xin Bian Zhao Gao Zhang Biao Ji Yao-Includes Discussion on the Examination Questions and Preparation for Official Documents Test in the Jin-Yuan Imperial Examinations




Xin Bian Zhao Gao Zhang Biao Ji Yao complied by Guo Min Ru was a preparation book for the examinees who were taking imperial examinations. In the Yuan dynasty, Liu Jin augmented it into two books, Xin Bian Zhao Go Zhang Biao Shi Wen Ni Ti and Xin Bian Zhao Gao Zhang Biao Shi Shi. The original editor, Guo Ming Ru's life and death year remained unknown; hence what year of this block-printed book published was disputed over which dynasty--Jin or Yuan the editor and this book belonged to. This research is based on related studies and adopts the examples and contents from Xin Bian Zhao Gao Zhang Biao Ji Yao as a study scope to analyze the system, exam questions and preparation of the Jin-Yuan official document test. This study finds out many evidences supporting this book was compiled with the history of the Han-Tang, and was completed as a preparation book for official document test, whose content wasn't applicable for the Jin imperial examinations. Hence, it was compiled by the Yuan citizen for taking the official document test in the Yuan imperial examinations.


侯美珍HO, MEI-CHEN:〈明代鄉會試詔誥表公文考試析論〉“A Study on Government Documents of Zhao, Gao, Biao of the Provincial Exam and the Capital Exams”,《國文學報》Bulletin of Chinese第62期(2017年12月),頁125–158。
侯美珍HO, MEI-CHEN:〈元代科舉三場考試偏重之探論〉“Three Tests in Eight-legged Essay Composition: A Study on Its Ascendance in the Yuan Imperial Examinations”,《國文學報》Bulletin of Chinese第63期(2018年6月),頁171–202。
漢‧班固 BAN, GU:《漢書》Book of Han(臺北Taipei:鼎文書局Ting Wen Co., Ltd.,1978年)。
南朝‧范曄 FAN, YE:《後漢書》Book of the Later Han(臺北Taipei:鼎文書局Ting Wen Co., Ltd.,1977年)。
五代‧劉昫LIU, XU等撰:《舊唐書》Old History of the Tang(臺北Taipei:鼎文書局Ting Wen Co., Ltd.,1976年)。


