  • 期刊


Three Tests in Eight-legged Essay Composition: A Study on Its Ascendance in the Yuan Imperial Examinations




元代科舉 元代經學 三場 經義 經疑


The Yuan imperial examinations implemented three tests. The primary session consisted of a test on JingYì and JingYí from Four Books and Five Classics. The second session tested on Gufu and Zhao Gao Biao, and the third one was debate. Scholars hold different opinions towards the ascendance of Gufu, Four Books and Five Classics in Yuan imperial examination. This study is based on research results to analyze Ke Chang Wen Xuenedited by Liu Zhen and Zhou Fu, refers to the purpose of establishing De Xing Ming Jing Ke defined by Yuan Ren Zhong, and consults Cheng Shi JiaShu Du Shu Fen NianRiCheng written by Cheng Duan Li for how to study classics for exam preparation. However, the result shows that Yuan imperial examination emphasized the Classics in the primary session, and preferred Five Classics to Four Books. The reason of preferring to Five Classics according to the examiners' stance while evaluating exam questions, and the different literary styles between JingYì and JingYí is addressed as a following research.


李超Li Chao:〈元代科考文獻考官批語輯錄及其價值〉“Yuan Dai Ke Kao Wen Xian Kao Guan Pi Yu Ji Lu Ji Qi JiaZhi”,《中國典籍與文化》Chinese Classics and Cultures2010年第3期(2010年7月),頁138–144。
李璞Li Pu:〈劉將孫年譜〉“ Liu Jiang Sun Nian Pu”,《詞學》Ci Xue第31輯(2014年8月),頁282–333。
李修生Li Xiusheng主編:《全元文》Quan Yuan Wen第24、46冊(南京Nanjing:江蘇古籍出版社Jiangsu Ancient Books Publishing House,1998–2004年)。
李新宇Li Xinyu:《元代辭賦研究》Yuan Dai Ci Fu Yan Jiu(北京Bejing:中國社會科學出版社China Social Science Press,2008年)。
沈仁國Shen Renguo:《元朝進士集證》Yuan Chao Jin Shi Ji Zheng(北京Bejing:中華書局Chung Hwa Book Company,2016年)。


