  • 期刊


A New Study of Nie Shuangjiang's Concept of "Gewu wu gongfu"




聶豹 王陽明 歸寂 格物 《大學》


As one of the most famous disciples of Wang Yangming, Nie Shuangjiang did not pay his respects until two years after Wang's death, and his "guiji theory," which was advocated after he was fifty years old, did not correspond with the other interpretations of liangzhi advanced by fellow students of Wang. In his theory, the term gewu refers not to a particular method of self-cultivation, but rather is an adjective describing the accomplishment of self-cultivation (gewu wu gongfu). Scholars have analyzed the meaning of gewu wu gongfu deeply, and compared it to the concepts of Wang and his followers. However, it is unclear how Nie incorporated this concept into the structure of the Daxue. More generally, there is little clarity even for why and how Nie put forward the idea of gewu wu gongfu itself. I here argue that Nie's original meaning of gewu was in fact a method of self-cultivation, one that was affected by Wang. After putting forth gewu wu gongfu, Nie sought a theoretical basis from the Daxue. Therefore, he emphasized the five sentences after "zhi zhi" (知止) in the Daxue, and insisted on connecting gewu and "jiaqi, guozhi, tianxia ping" (家齊、國治、天下平). In conclusion, I consider that Nie was concerned about how to interpret gewu following his contact with Wang, and the process of considering the concept of gewu eventually yielded his guiji theory.


Nie Shuangjiang Wang Yangming guiji gewu Daxue


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鍾彩鈞:《明代心學的文獻與詮釋》,臺北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所,2020 年。
