  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Teacher Training System in South Korea-The Teacher Training Process, Challenges, and Strategies for Improvement



國家的教師任用制度是反映該國教育政策的敏感要素。而新進教師的任用過程,更是決定是否能將實現國家教育政策的重要關鍵。因此,為能確實達成國家教育政策的既定目標,就格外需要選聘勝任教學工作的教師。 在韓國,教師分為幼稚園、小學、中等學校等三類。目前幼稚園教師的培育方式如下所述:首先,要想成為幼稚園教師必須先取得幼稚園教師證書;而要取得證書,必須先修畢四年制大學或大專學院所開設的幼稚園教師培育相關課程,並經過免試的書面檢定過程,取得幼稚園教師資格。 要參加幼稚園教師任用考試者,必須具有幼稚園「準教師證書」,或預計在二月底前取得教師證書(學年度開始日為三月一日)。幼稚園教師之任用考試分為三個階段進行。第一階段為教育學科筆試,錄取人數為所需師資的兩倍。第二階段為口試,考試內容為教育學科及教學工作,錄取人數為所需師資的1.5倍。第三階段則是面談、設計教案以及試教,並加總第一階段、第二階段考試分數,依成績高低評定錄取者。 若要成為合格的國小教師,應先行在大學院校內修畢相關師資培育課程,便可取得國小教師資格。在韓國,國小師資的培訓機構有:各地區教育大學、韓國教員大學、梨花女子大學等,提供相關教育課程,此種屬於較為封閉型的師資培育機制。以2007年為基準,各級師資培育機構的學生總數為23992人,這些學生在修畢相關教育專業課程後即取得「二級教師證書」,並參加「候用教師任用考試」(任用考試)後成為正式合格教師。 為確保甄選出的專業教育工作者確實能勝任國小教育工作,具有教育愛及教學專業,以及在必要時可配合學校需要任教外語課程,國小教師的任用考試分為三階段進行,第一階段為以選擇題為主的筆試;第二階段則採申論題進行;第三階段則以性向測驗、口試及評估是否能勝任教學工作。要特別強調的是,教師的性向可決定教師在未來的教學工作上,是否能抱持並遵循義務教育階段教學機會均等的教育理念;而教學能力及外語能力則是評估老師是否能提供更優質及精緻化的教學情境。因此,在教師的任用上,既使是在國民教育階段,為適應快速變遷的社會需求,教師的教學也必須能夠滿足當今社會的需求。 最後,若要成中等學校教師,必須先取得「二級教師證書」,其資格條件如下所述:師範大學畢業者;教育研究所畢業或教育科學技術部部長(相當於台灣的國科會主任委員)所指定的特定師資培訓機構獲得教育碩士學位者;在臨時師資機構修畢相關課程者;各大學教育系畢業者;科技大學畢業並修畢相關教育學分者;已取得中等學校「準教師證書」,並具有兩年以上的教學經驗,以及完成師職前教育者;已取得國小「準教師證書」,並獲得學士證書者;教育大學及專科學校之助理教授、專任講師,並有兩年以上教育工作經驗者。 上述人員如已取得「二級教師證書」者必須經由各市、道(相當於省級)所舉辦的「公立中等學校候用教師甄選考試」合格才能成為正式中等學校教師。甄選考試分三段進行;第一段為任教專業科目筆試,第二階段為任教專業科目申論考試,第三階段將以面談、設計教案以及試教為內容進行考試。 有關於上述師資培育所衍生的問題如下:第一,韓國目前資師的培育依然由特定的師資培育機構進行,屬於封閉型的師資培育體制;第二,幼稚園、國小及中等學校教師只要在指定的師資培育機構修畢相關課程,即可不經考試取得教師證書,而這種教師證書終身有效。這種制度普遍認為會降低教師素質。第三;紙筆考試佔教師任用極大的比重,並無法測知老師的教案及教材編製能力、班級經營能力,以及電腦多媒體融入教學等能力,因此考試本身難以甄選出真正具有教學能力的老師。 為了解上述衍生的問題,並考量國情需要,必須採用多元化的師資培育機制,除了由傳統封閉式的教育大學或師範大學進行師資培育外,應開放至一般大學畢業生,讓其畢業後修畢相關師資學分或完成教育研究所課程,以期建構多元開放的師資培育方式。此外,為提昇教師素質及建構教師專業形象,必須定期透過教師評鑑或相關檢核機制淘汰不適任教師。最後,目前以紙筆考試為主的教師任用考試,必須透過改良,以期能夠確實篩選出能發揮其教育專業,以及具有教學實務能力的教育工作者。基此,針對師資培育,部分學者建議可透過在學期間的學科成績,以及教師性向測驗來簡化目前的教師甄選制度。




The system that a nation uses in appointing its teachers is a sensitive issue that reflects the country's overall education policy; at the same time, the process whereby new teachers are appointed is one of the key factors determining whether national education policy can be implemented effectively. To ensure that national education policy objectives are met, therefore, it is particularly important that the teachers appointed to teach in the country's schools are capable of doing their jobs properly. In South Korea, teachers are divided into three categories: kindergarten teachers, elementary school teachers, and secondary school teachers. Currently, the system used for cultivating kindergarten teachers is as follows. Firstly, anyone wishing to become a kindergarten teacher must obtain a Kindergarten Teacher Certificate. To obtain this Certificate, an applicant must have successfully completed a kindergarten teacher training course at a four-year university or junior college, and must have passed the Kindergarten Teacher Certificate examination; only then are they qualified to teach in a kindergarten. To be eligible to take the kindergarten teacher appointment examination, a candidate must already hold a Provisional Kindergarten Certificate, or must be planning to obtain a Kindergarten Teacher Certificate by the end of February (in South Korea, the school year starts on March 1). The examination for the appointment of kindergarten teachers is implemented in three stages. The first stage is a written test on education topics; the number of examinees passing this stage of the exam is equivalent to twice the number of kindergarten teaching positions that need to be filled. The second stage involves writing essays on education and curriculum design; the number of examinees passing this stage of the exam is equivalent to 1.5 times the number of kindergarten teaching positions that need to e filled. The third and final stage includes an interview, simulated curriculum planning and observed inclassroom teaching. The scores from this third stage of the exam are added to the scores from the first and second stages; those applications receiving the highest overall score are selected to receive kindergarten teaching positions. To become an elementary school teacher, one must first have completed a teaching training course at a university or graduate institute in order to be eligible. In South Korea, institutions providing teaching training courses for elementary school teachers include regional universities of education, Korea National University of Education, and Ewha Women's University; the mechanism for the cultivation of elementary school teachers is thus a relatively closed one. As of 2007, the 13 institutions with elementary school teacher training programs had a combined total of 23,992 students enrolled. Individuals who have successfully completed an elementary school teacher training course receive a Grade Two Teaching Certificate, which allows them to sit for the Government Employee (Education Sector) Appointment Examination (hereafter referred to as the ”Appointment Examination”); those who pass this exam are assigned to teaching positions at elementary schools. To ensure that those appointed to elementary school teaching positions are capable of fulfilling their responsibilities, that they possess both a genuine enthusiasm for teaching and teaching expertise, and that they will be ale to teach foreign language classes at their school when necessary, the Appointment Examination fro elementary school teachers is implemented in three stages. The first stage is written test (mainly multiple choice), the second stage involves writing essays, and the third stage includes an in-depth interview to gauge the examinee's suitability for a teaching career, as well as a practical test of their teaching ability, to determine whether they will be ale to live up to their responsibilities as a teacher. One point that should e emphasized is that a teacher's personality can affect whether or not that teacher will e ale to adhere to the ideal of equal opportunity that is a vital part of compulsory education; at the same time, a teacher's teaching ability and foreign language ability are important criteria for gauging whether a teacher will be able to provide highquality teaching tailored to student's needs. Even in compulsory education, it is important that the teaching a teacher is able to provide must be able to meet society's needs, which are changing rapidly. Finally, to become a secondary school teacher, an individual must first obtain the Grade Two Teaching Certificate. To be eligible to obtain this Certificate, a candidate must conform to at least one of the following criteria: they must have graduated from a teacher training university, or; have graduated from a graduate school of education or hold a Masters degree in education from a special teacher training institute approved bye the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, or; have completed a training course at a temporary teacher training college, or; hold a bachelor's degree from a university department of education, or; have graduated from a university of technology and also taken the required teaching training modules, or; have already obtained a Secondary School Provisional Teaching Certificate, have at least two years' teaching experience, and have completed all required preappointment teacher training, or; have already obtained an Elementary School Provisional Teaching Certificate, and possess a bachelor's degree, or; hold the position of associate professor or full-time lecturer at a university of education or junior college, and have at least two years' teaching experience. Having obtained a Grade Two Teaching Certificate, an applicant must than go on to pass the Public Secondary Schools Teacher Appointment Examination, held by individual cities and provinces, in order to receive formal appointment as a secondary school teacher. This Examination is implemented in three stages: the first stage is a written test on the subject that the applicant is applying to teach; the second stage involves writing essays on the subject that the applicant is applying to teach; the third stage includes an interview, simulated curriculum planning and observed in-classroom teaching. The system of teacher training and recruitment outlined above has given rise to several problems: (1) The teacher training system in South Korea is still very much a “closed” system in which teacher training is provided only by a limited number of specialist teacher training institutions. (2) Graduates of specified teacher training institutes can obtain teaching certificates and teaching positions as kindergarten, elementary school or secondary school teachers without being required to take an examination, and their teaching certification has lifelong validity. It is generally accepted that a system of this type tends to have a negative impact on teacher quality. (3) Written examinations account for a very large share of the total score in teacher appointment examinations; this makes it difficult to gauge applicants' ability to undertake curriculum planning and prepare teaching materials, implement effective classroom management, and integrate computing and multimedia technology into their teaching. The examination, y themselves, are not sufficient to ensure that only teachers with real teaching ability are appointed. In order to solve these problems, while taking into consideration the special circumstances that exist in South Korea, a more diversified teacher training mechanism needs to be introduced. Besides the traditional, ”closed” channels of teacher training implemented by universities of education or teacher training universities, graduates of other universities should have the opportunity to take teacher training modules or study at graduate institutes of education after completing their bachelor's degree, so as to create a broader, more open path for the cultivation of new teachers. In addition, teachers should be required to undergo regular assessment, with investigation and review mechanisms being established to weed out teachers who are incapable of fulfilling their responsibilities, so as to enhance the overall quality of teaching in South Korea's schools and improve teachers' image as expert professionals. Finally, the current method of implementing teacher appointment examinations, which relies mainly on written tests, needs to e improved, to ensure that only individuals who are really suited for a career in teaching, and possess the necessary capabilities, are selected. Some scholars have proposed that teacher appointment could give more weight to applicants' grades during their time as students, and to their performance in teacher aptitude testing, so as to simplify the teacher appointment system.




教育人力資源部 (2007)。國小教師培養機關—學生規定人數總括。教育人力部資源網頁 (http://www.mest.go.kr) 資料
教育人力資源部 (2006)。2004~2006國小教師錄用現況。教育人力部資源網頁(http://www.mest.go.kr) 資料
教育人力資源部。國小教職員現況教育。人力部資源網頁 (http://www.mest.go.kr) 資料


許奭丞(2015)。華語實習教師實習歷程研究 -以韓國僑校為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2015.00205
