  • 學位論文

華語實習教師實習歷程研究 -以韓國僑校為例

A Study of Chinese Student Teacher Training Courses: Taking Korean Overseas Chinese Schools as Examples

指導教授 : 夏誠華


本研究針對中原大學應用華語文學系,自2011年至2014年派至韓國華僑學校實習之實習教師其實習歷程的研究。研究者以首爾漢城華僑小學、大邱華僑小學,以及釜山華僑中學的實習教師為主,探討這三校共八位實習教師在實習階段的歷程變化;包含實習教師的生活適應、師生互動、教學記錄與省思。    本研究採取質化的方式,研究者同時也是實習工作的參與者,本研究藉由長期的質性參與、研究,藉由田野紀錄、訪談、蒐集韓國僑校實習教師的歷程,以及歸國以後的追蹤、訪談,探討韓國僑校實習教師在實習歷程中生活、教學適應、教學成長的變化。實習教師如何處理問題,以及在實習階段培養出自己的教學觀。以及往後的實習教師能夠從前人的身上學習到相關經驗,對於韓國僑校實習會遇到的問題能夠有所準備。   本研究發現,研究對象若是在實習階段有實習輔導教師的協助,以及校方的支持,有助於實習收穫。同時在面臨生活適應問題時,也有賴於校方是否給於足夠的資源支持。在教學適應方面,實習教師應該抱持著一顆開放學習的心胸,以及肯定學生的態度面對教學現場,如果能夠有學習模仿的目標,更能迅速的進入教學的角色中,給予學生更多的學業成長;此外,實習教師接受更多的行政實習刺激,也能有效的提升能力以及經驗,行政實習是一項成長的機會。研究結果也顯示,良好的實習經驗連帶可以刺激實習教師歸國後繼續從事教育的動機;前後任實習教師的經驗聯繫,也有助於彼此的成長。因此,建立有效的韓國僑校實習教師經驗交流能夠幫助實習教師適應韓國僑校的實習現場。


The study focused on the project of CYCU TCSL in which students were sent to Korea Oversea Chinese School as Chinese student teacher from 2011 to 2014. The researcher reported some issues of the course of the student teachers internship based on their Training courses. Eight student teachers who accepted the course at Seoul Chinese Primary School, Daegu Oversea Chinese Elementary School or Overseas Chinese High School Busan Korea was explored their change of adapting of living, teacher-student interaction, teaching recording and reflection during the course of the internship stage. As one of student teachers at Seoul Chinese Primary School in the same period, the researcher adopted qualitative methods to conduct field records and interviews. The long-term participation facilitated collecting all student teachers' training courses and tracking their growth after they returned to Taiwan. The study also investigated the ways that these participants developed their educational concepts. It aims to investigate the previous experience and assist student teachers who will attend similar projects at Korea oversea Chinese schools in facing potential problems. The study found student teachers could prepare better if they received mentor teachers’ help in the training stage. The support from intern school also helped student teachers’ early adaptation to teaching and local life. For adapting to the teaching environment, student teacher should have an open mind and a positive attitude towards their students. Moreover, student teachers who had more chances to deal with clerical work made greater growth and shown higher teaching competencies. The researcher further observed that the positive experience in Korea highly motivated student teachers to engage in education after they returned to the home country. In sum, the exchange of student teachers project in Korean Chinese schools helped student teachers’ adaptation, personal growth and future teaching engagement.


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