  • 學位論文


The Action Research Study of Mandarin Class in Mixed Ability Classrooms: Taking the Korean Overseas Chinese High School for Example

指導教授 : 彭妮絲


華語文教學現場採用混合能力班級的編班方式,是現今華語教學界普遍存在的現象。其中重要的關鍵當然是成本的考量,但是華語教師得在課程中同時兼顧程度參差不齊的學生實非易事。有鑑於此,本研究嘗試以差異化教學和合作學習為設計理念,規劃一套適用於混合能力班級的教學方法,以解決教學現場的困境,並進而提升學生的學習動機,使之更樂於學習華語。   本研究採取行動研究的方式,以韓國華僑中學二年級的十五位學生為研究對象。研究者經過三次實際教學行動的循環,每次行動包含計畫、行動、觀察、省思及修正等五個步驟,設計出以差異化教學和合作學習為理念的教學方法。教學行動期間,除了藉由教學中發現的問題提出修改策略之外,並配合教學省思日誌、小組自評表、總評量表、學生文件、學習動機量表、合作學習問卷、訪談等工具蒐集資料,進行歸納與分析,全面瞭解以差異化教學和合作學習為理念的教學方法之實行成效。   為期八週的教學行動結束後,研究者提出適用於混合能力班級的教學設計,以及此套教學方法的實際教學情況、學生學習情形、學生看法和學習動機改變幅度等五項結論。然而,差異化教學和合作學習為設計理念的教學方法雖有教學實施之成效,但恐怕仍有許多不足之處需要檢討改進。因此,對於未來有意使用差異化教學和合作學習以解決混合能力班級教學困境者,研究者根據研究結論將提出實驗時間、緩衝期、教師團隊、學習成效等四項建議,希望可以有所助益或作為借鏡。


Mixed-ability arrangement in the class is common in Mandarin class (for students who learn Chinese as second language or a foreign Language). Cost is the most important factor. However, adapting teaching to different student characteristics is a huge task. The purpose of this paper is to theorize and practice instructions in Chinese language teaching which aims to solve researcher's problems in practical teaching. Action research is initiated. A total of 15 fourteen year-old South Korean students were engaged as the object of research. The action research lasted three months. The corresponding cycles includes: plan, action, observation, self-examination, and amendment. Data collection, observation record, reflection notes, self assessment form, overall score card, learning sheet are applied for both pre- and post-test. Since there were more than ten participants with both pre- and post-test scores, repeated measures tests could be planned on the scale scores in order to evaluate and determine if there was an important growth in the grades after the participation in the research. The series of actions to achieve result provides the framework for progress of sampling guidance which defines the process of learning through putting in view in the day-to-day activities. After eight weeks of uncertainty about the course, the researcher concludes a result with different focuses: differentiate instruction, cooperative learning, teaching practices, learning practices, students' opinions and students' learning motivation. The study is helpful for Mandarin-teaching instructors who are interested in exploring the use of differentiate instruction and cooperative learning despite limitations and deficiencies. To avoid repeating frequent missteps, the researcher provides four experiments proved that help to achieve better success.


