  • 學位論文


The Design and Practice of Teaching The Story of the Stone for Learning Chinese Culture

指導教授 : 彭妮絲


本研究對象為韓藉中級華語學習者,隨著語言程度的增長,中級華語學習者對中華文化也有更深的需求,《紅樓夢》為中華文化的經典小說,對於中級華語學習者而言太過困難,不得其門而入,因此本研究以《紅樓夢》文學當做中級華語學習者學習中華文化的場域,並藉此磨礪語言。 《紅樓夢》華語文化教學目標為讓中級華語者了解《紅樓夢》大意以及中華文化,交際文化雖為溝通的利器,但缺少知識文化的內涵,學習者對於語言理解往往流於膚淺、不知所以然,而中級華語學習者正是對於中華文化理解有更多渴求的時機,因此知識文化教學為《紅樓夢》華語文化教學的重點。 《紅樓夢》華語文化教學設計包含課程設計、教材設計以及教學法設計,以行動研究方式實踐三次。 ADDIE系統化教學法為本次課程設計的骨架,確保教學朝著目標前進並維持相當的品質,5Cs為教學目標依據,《紅樓夢》華語文化課程設計共為三回:<通靈寶玉>、<男人是泥土做的,女人是水做的>、<寶玉出家>,12小時的教學時數,以《紅樓夢》故事情節為教學脈絡,從中引出中華文化說明之。 有鑑於中級華語學習者的程度,《紅樓夢》教材改編以符合中級華語學習者程度的白話文為主,內容改編使用高連貫讀本製作程序,三回故事互相連貫,配以圖、解釋以及評量輔助學習者了解《紅樓夢》教材。 DRTA閱讀教學法和合作學習法為教學設計實踐中主要使用的教學法,DRTA閱讀教學法可以增加學習者對於文本的理解,也可訓練華語學習者使用中文思維;合作學習法則取其精神,學習者互相觀摩、幫助,理解中華文化。 教學設計後,教學共有三回,以韓藉華語學習者為教學對象,質量並重分析學習者學習《紅樓夢》華語文化教學之觀感,進行反思以及建議。 研究結果發現學習者對於本課程有相當的滿意度,認為學習中國文學也可學習中華文化,學習《紅樓夢》可以增強學習者的學習華語的自信,開啟未來學習其他中國文學或中華文化的積極性。


This study aims at teaching Chinese culture to intermediate language learners from Korea, who have better skills to understand the target language and have more needs to get in touch with its culture. This study is to know if a Chinese classical novel would help them acquire broader knowledge of Chinese Culture. The Story of the Stone, a nineteenth century vernacular classic, is therefore chosen. It is for two reasons: firstly, the time it was published is close to modern era but before the grand movement of modernization. It means a chance for learners to touch upon Chinese language which is not only un- Europeanized but also is continuously active in contemporary Chinese cultural realm. Secondly, part of pre-modern Chinese culture portrayed in this novel still plays a critical part in current Chinese society. The structure of this designated course in teaching Chinese culture is based on ADDIE (Instructional Design Process) and the aim is towards 5Cs. It seeks to develop an approach incorporating the designs of class, material, and action research for these three together will form a complete process for teaching and learning. This course contains three sections and each one is a 3-hour class. The sections are as follows: 1) The luminescent jade; 2) Man is made of mud while woman is of water, and 3) Baoyubecame a buddhistmonk. These three chapters run smoothly as a complete story. However, in order to fit the level of intermediate learners, the original material is rewritten. The text of each chapter is further provided with pictures, interpretations, and evaluations to help learners to achieve our teaching aim. This project also applies DRTA (Directing Reading Thinking Activities) and Cooperative Learning. The former is beneficial to the understanding of text and learners could also accustom to read the target language with comprehension. The latter is to encourage learners helping each other in class and thereby reinforce their learning motivations. This study adopts both quantity and quality approaches. The evaluation of their learning results will no doubt help teachers to refine course design and understand their classes more fully. The result shows that learners are satisfied with this course and agree that culture can be learned from literature. Moreover, their confidence is also reinforced through this project.


Triangulation.” Nursing Research. 40, (1). pp. 120-123.


