  • 期刊


A Case Study of the Teacher Community of Practice on School-based Curriculum Development




The purpose of this study is to explore the development of community of practice on "excellent talents, leading the future" school-based curriculum development. This research adopts a case study method. Through class participation, observation, documents analysis and teacher's feedback, and researcher's reflective notes, to understand of the actual operation of the practice community, its characteristics, and contributions on the development of innovative courses. It is observed that there are five development stages for the community of practice for school-based curriculum: (1) Potential Stage, (2) Building Stage, (3) Participation Stage, (4) Active Stage, and (5) Transformation Stage. The characteristics of the community of practice include: (1) having clearly identified tasks and values, (2) fully mobilized leadership functions and roles, (3) emphasis on collaborative learning with in-depth thinking, (4) open dialogues and communications within the community of practice and with external communities. Through the community of practice, it enhances members to support the curriculum and strengthens their professional identity. It also creates a platform for collaborative learning which in turn successfully motivates members to re-examine and implement changes in their classes. Furthermore, it fosters teacher's active engagement in designing innovative curriculum, and ensures the sustainability of the community of practice.


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