  • 期刊


Peer Victimization and Negative Emotions of Junior High School Students: Examining the Moderating Role of Hope




同儕受害 希望感 社交焦慮 孤寂感 憂鬱


The purpose of this study was to examine the association between peer victimization (relational and physical forms of victimization) and negative emotions (depression, social anxiety, and loneliness) and moderating effect of hope (agency thinking and pathway thinking) in the associations among junior-high- school students. The participants were 875 students of seventh to ninth grade from ten junior high schools in the north of Taiwan. The study adopted the measurements of "Peer Victimization Scale", "The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-10," "Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescent," "Loneliness Scale," and "Children Hope Scale." The results of the study were: (1) There were significant gender differences in different forms of peer victimization. (2) Hope (both agency thinking and pathway thinking) could significantly moderate the association between relational victimization and depression, but only agency thinking could moderate the association between physical victimization and depression. (3) There were no significant moderating effects of hope in the links between relational/physical victimization and social anxiety. (4) Hope (both agency thinking and pathway thinking) could significantly moderate the associations between relational/physical victimization and loneliness. Based upon the results, some educational implications were suggested.


depression hope loneliness peer victimization social anxiety


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