  • 期刊


Cultivation of Scientific and Technological Literacy of Elementary Students through Developing the "Insect Bionics Board Game" in Insect Unit Teaching




In response to cross-domain literacy learning of the 12-year Basic Education, this study developed the "Insect Bionics Board Games (IBBG)" for beginners and advanced players based on the ADDIE model. It selected ten types of insects as the core learning of "insect bionics". It adopted a mixed research method for quasi-experimental research. The results showed that the experimental group of students playing IBBG as "inquiry and practical" learning, their "insect bionics" scientific and technological literacy was better than the general teaching "insect bionics" control group of students, the amount of experimental effect reached low to medium intensity. This research revised the IBBG based on the evaluation of teaching to make it a practical "inquiry and practice" learning model. For example: Improving the introduction to "insect bionics" through PowerPoint slides, placing the learning worksheets of IBBG in the classroom, and filming the IBBG game into a video.


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