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Energy Efficiency, Indicators, and Inequality of Five Municipalities: Household Electricity Consumption




First, this study uses the DEA method to compare the efficiency of household electricity consumption for 1000 homes. Second, the DEA efficiency is compared with power efficiency indicators to identify the most relevant indicator to replace DEA efficiency. Third, according to the amount of electricity consumed by highest and lowest consuming groups, power inequality is calculated. The actual amount of household electricity consumed can be used to establish various indicators of electricity consumption, such as the potential indicator, energy-saving indicator, warning indicator, penalty indicator. The DEA efficiencies of five municipalities (Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City) are 0.2966-0.3386. Household electricity consumption in Taichung City and Tainan City is less efficient than that in New Taipei City and Kaohsiung City. Lower standard deviations exist in Tainan City and Taipei City than in Kaohsiung City and New Taipei City, meaning that in these two municipalities, living habits (such as eating, washing, the number of hours at home, and leisure habits), electrical equipment efficiency, ages of houses differ significantly.


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