  • 期刊


Energy Efficiency Indicators and Energy Conservation Performance Evaluation for Commercial and Service Sectors


溫室氣體中的人為二氧化碳之排放,占總溫室氣體排放量的76.6%,其中絕大部分乃導因於化石燃料(包括石油、煤炭與天然氣)的使用。根據國際能源總署於2008年出版的『世界能源展望』報告中預測,人類社會在2030年以前仍無法擺脫對化石能源的依賴,因此二氧化碳減量策略的擬定方向,主要亦以化石能源的有效利用為核心,而節約能源、提升能源效率、加速能源使用技術之創新與調整能源結構尤為相關因應政策的設計應用焦點。包括國際能源總署(International Energy Agency, IEA)及歐盟近年來致力於發展能源效率指標及建構相關的評估方法,目的即在有系統的追蹤並比較評估各國在既定之能源效率目標下的績效表現。 對照我國的作法,訂定具體的節約能源目標,並積極推動落實,已是國內因應未來化石能源耗竭所引發之急遽升高的進口能源成本,及能源需求成長所帶動之溫室氣體排放量增加之壓力下,所亟待努力的方向。政府在歷次的全國能源會議決議中,亦訂定漸趨嚴格的提升能源效率目標,供各方遵循。本文的目的,乃以我國非製造業能源查核資料為基礎,應用系統性的分析方法,建構我國商業與服務業部門能源效率指標的DEA評估模型,並據以進行2004年至2008年間非製造業部門之節能績效與節能潛力的估計。


Carbon dioxide (CO2) represents 76.6% of the total anthropogenic GHG emissions in 2004, among which 74% of the total CO2 emission is due to the fossil fuel use. Based on the forecasting of 2008 World Energy Outlook made by IEA, share of fossil fuel consumption remains high by 2030 for the human society. Improved energy efficiency thus continues to play a key role in shaping fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions patterns. The benefits of more efficient use of energy are well known and include reduced investments in energy infrastructure, lower fossil fuel dependency, increased competitiveness and improved consumer welfare. Efficiency gains can also deliver environmental benefits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution. In order to assist member countries in monitoring and improving their present energy efficiency policies in identifying and exploiting new opportunities for improving energy efficiency, n order to effectively track trends in energy efficiency and comparing the performance of various sector and countries, IEA and EU have developed series of techniques and methods to evaluate the performance as well as energy saving potentials of specific energy end users and sectors. Pressing need has been presented to Taiwan to deal with the dramatically increases of future imported energy price and CO2 emission. According to the Framework of Taiwan's Sustainable Energy Policy promulgated in June 2008, the government has pledged to improve energy efficiency by more than 2% per annum, so that when compared with the level in 2005, energy intensity will decrease 20% by 2015. It is therefore the objective of this study to apply data envelopment analysis (DEA) to construct the model for the evaluation of the energy efficiency performance as well as energy saving potentials in commercial and services sectors in Taiwan. The data used for the study is obtained from the energy audit project conducted by Taiwan Green Productivity Foundation since 2004.


歐冠昕(2014)。台灣三大耗能產業能源效率變動趨勢分析 —能源生產力估計法之應用〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201511575130
