  • 期刊


Effects of Material Flows Driven by Land Teleconnections of Urban Tourism to Urban Sustainability




Cities rely on resources over a wide area, far beyond their adjacent peri-urban areas toward distant areas, to provide food and raw materials to satisfying urban needs. Tourism not only encourages economic growth in cities, but also increases the dependence on goods and services inflow from distant areas. Urban tourism is not included in planning objectives, and its ecological footprints, which extend well beyond adjacent peri-urban areas, are discounted in considerations of urban sustainability. Taiwan received more than 10.7 million international visitors in 2016, a quadrupling from 2.6 million international visitors in 2000. Taipei City is the major city for the inbound visitors of Taiwan. In order to understand how the rapid growth of tourism aggravates Taipei's dependence upon inflowing resources, this study utilizes material flows analysis to demonstrate the material flows driven by tourism in Taipei during 2000 to 2016. Analytical results indicate that the proportion of the material flows driven by tourism increased in each category, especially building materials and fuel consumption of sightseeing buses. Tourism raises Taipei's dependence on food and resources from distant areas. Our findings help raise awareness, and highlight the need to broaden the scope of urban sustainability assessments by consider the impacts of urban tourism. Moreover, the planning and management of tourism should not only be incorporated within urban planning objectives, but should also constitute a core element within the planning process.


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