  • 期刊


The Fallacies and Remedies of Urban Renewal Floor Area Incentives: The Case of Taipei City




The predicament and risks of the implementation of Taiwan's urban plan lie in the lack of courage and determination of multiple participation and rational decision making, particularly in the system and implementation of the urban renewal floor area incentive mechanism. This article broadly reviews criticism of the urban renewal floor area incentives mechanism and summarizes six major disputes, including legality, legitimacy, public interest, equity, reasonableness, and holistic. The 13 inspection standards of the incentive mechanism are discussed, and an empirical study is then conducted on the implementation of Taipei urban renewal floor area incentives. The study finds that most urban renewal floor area incentives mechanism and projects do not meet the inspection standards, and the implementation results have become a representative of pork barrel politics, the laissez-faire real estate economy rent-seeking, which not only violates sustainable development, but also deepens social cleavage. Therefore, this study concludes that governments should review and revise the urban renewal floor area incentives system to meet the inspection standards as soon as possible. In the long run, the Urban Renewal Act should be abolished to regenerate the city and return to a sufficiently sound urban planning legal system.


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