  • 期刊


Exploring Disaster Vulnerability, Impact and Adaptation in a River Basin through Resilience-based Perspectives




Devastating typhoon disasters have recently posed major challenges to the traditional approach to river basin governance in Taiwan, owing to a lack of understanding of localized disaster risks and the current single-hazard based disaster management approach. Based on an empirical study of the Kaoping River Basin and Typhoon Morakot, this study examines key components and spatial distribution of disaster risks in order to develop integrated strategies to risk and adaptation governance to enhance disaster resilience. First, the spatial clustering of various disaster vulnerabilities in the upper, middle, and lower parts of the Kaoping River Basin prior to Morakot are analyzed. Next, the correlation among vulnerabilities, disaster impacts and associated cascading affects to residents' adaptive actions after Morakot is then explored. Analytical results indicate that exposure and sensitivities related to physical environment and land use significantly affect the impacts of Morakot. Nevertheless, neither demographic nor socioeconomic vulnerabilities are strongly correlated with disaster losses. Many residents have taken short-term autonomous adjustments following the disaster. However, participants in this study stress that the government's responsibilities for long-term adaptation planning. Finally, the disaster impacts, the actual environmental fragility and land use sensitivity help people to adjust; whereas socioeconomic sensitivity and community adaptive capability could reduce the willingness of people to adapt after a disaster.


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