  • 期刊


Discussion on the Willingness to Accept Post-Seismic Reinforcement from the Perspective of Risk Decision: Case Study in Yongkang District of Tainan and Hualien City of Hualien County




Discussing the research on decision-making behaviors that affect the public's willingness to accept public policies is indescribably important in the planning and management of urban environmental policies, especially under the modern emphasis on people-oriented changes in urban disaster management thinking. An example is the seismic reinforcement policy for residential buildings due to insufficient earthquake resistance. Due to the highly uncertain characteristics of earthquake disaster risk, the relevant models under the traditional rational decision-making theory cannot explain its behavioral characteristics. Instead, researchers use variables such as risk perception, trust, and responsibility to try to respond to risk decision under information uncertainty, in which relevant researches began to notice the influence of affection and that triggered discussions. Therefore, based on the policy acceptance model constructed by affection, risk perception, trust, responsibility, and behavioral intention, this study focuses on exploring the structural relationship among the important variables that affect residents' housing reinforcement policy acceptance after the earthquake. Yongkang District of Tainan City and Hualien City of Hualien County, which have recently experienced severe disasters of level 5 or above, are used as the demonstration area, and based on the telephone interview survey data 3 months after the disaster, through the structural equation modeling and multiple group analysis to dissect the structural relationship between important factors and policies acceptance. The research results indicate that the policy acceptance model has a good allocation degree and interpretive ability in explaining the behavioral intention of decision-making after the earthquake (R^2 reaches 0.37), and it is confirmed that trust has a direct impact on behavioral intention. Although affection variable does not have a direct impact on behavioral intentions, it also has an indirect impact through other variables. Finally, the multi-group analysis results show that there is a significant difference in the post-earthquake decision behavior intention applicability of the policy acceptance model between Yongkang and Hualien. It indicates that the structural relationship of variables changed due to differences in the spatial location characteristics of the two places. In the future, under the gradually shift to the concept of people-oriented disaster management, the above research results can be used as the policy implementation of the competent authority, and through the process of communicating with residents, sort out the important keys that affect policy support, and aim at achieving policy goals through different communication strategies.


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