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根據不均衡理論,人力資本累積除了可以增進勞動者生産力外,也能强化其因應社會變遷之能力。如果人力資本累積如不均衡假說所言,可以促進勞動者因應各種經濟狀態改變之能力的話,它對台灣勞工産業移動行爲之影響會如何呢?本文之主要目的即在於檢視此假說於台灣勞工産業移動行爲之適用性。分析重點包括人力素質提升對勞工面對不均衡現象應變能力之效果,以及衡量此效果在各種經濟狀况下,對勞工轉業行爲之影響。 實證結果顯示,教育程度之提升或工作經驗之累積,確實有助台灣勞工對經濟情勢之判斷,進而影響其轉換行業之速度。高人力資本勞工除了會因應產業相對景氣狀態而移動外,在總體景氣或產業問重新配置之必要性提高時,轉換行業的可能性亦較高。因此,吾人認爲實証結果傾向支持不均衡假說對台灣勞工産業移動行爲之預測。此發現也許可以說明爲何台灣經濟發展過程中産業雇用變化迅速之特殊現象。


The disequilibrium hypothesis contends that the accumulation of human capital increases worker's ability to deal with the disequilibrium. It is wondering if the hypothesis is consistent with workers' behavior of industrial switches in Taiwan. This paper thus inspects the applicability of the disequilibrium hypothesis, by focusing our attention on the relationship between the stock of human capital and labor's decision on switching across industries as facing different economic shocks. Empirically, we found that workers significantly enhance their abilities to deal with changing economic conditions by accumulating human capital through more years of schooling and work experiences. It, in turn, affects workers' decisions on industrial swithches. As a result, the disequilibrium hypothesis can be applied to the industrial switching behavior in Taiwan. This finding may explain why the employment structure changed quickly during the taking-off period of Taiwan economy.


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