  • 期刊


The Empirical Study of Strategic Alliances of High-Technology Industry – An Application to Biotechnology Industry




In response to the rapidly changing environment and technology around the world and the more competitive market situation, many firms form strategic alliances possibly due to their incomplete ability or limited resources. By allying with others, firms may share costs and risks, and may lower competitiveness within the industry. This tactic is more observed in to higher-tech industries. Much existing literature has discussed the causes, pros, and cons of alliances, but few have theoretically or empirically proven them. This paper takes one rising high-tech industry--biotechnology--as an example and tries to empirically test the reasons behind strategic alliances and analyzes what kind of firms are likely to form them. Theoretical assumptions are first made and followed by empirical analyses. The sample includes both Taiwan and US biotech firms. Firms from different countries are analyzed separately and then results from each country are compared and contrasted. The results from the US firms are in general consistent with the theoretical predictions: strategic alliances are more likely to happen in small, research oriented firms; research type alliances are more likely to occur in none-publicly traded firms; and, the intense use of alliances decreases as the ages of the firms increase. Only part of the Taiwan results are consistent with the theoretical predications.


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