  • 期刊


The Research Performsnce of Taiwan Economic Instututes in EconLit


本文研究台灣22個經濟學術單位的315位專任研究及教學人員,自 1995至2000年,於EconLit資料庫所列期刊的發表論文統計。我們嘗試從期刊論文之數量與品質兩面向,依「論文發表當時所屬系所」及「目前所屬系所」兩種歸類方式,藉以評量國內經濟學術單位的成就表現。研究結果發現,就發表期刊論文總篇數或考慮期刊品質後的加權總點數而言,國際期刊發表之分佈都有嚴重的偏態,即少數學術單位(抑或個人)囊括了大部分的研究成果;當期及目前研究單位所屬人員之平均每人每年發表的論文篇數大都低於0.5篇;國內學者之論文發表在本土期刊(即《經濟論文》與《經濟論文叢刊》)數量佔論文總篇數的35%,其他65%則分散在大約134種的非本土期刊。統計資料也顯示,調查期間曾發表在EconLit之期刊論文有5.33篇(含)或點數有5.67點(含)以上者,及在非本土性期刊曾發表4.33篇(含)或有5.17點(含)以上者,皆為該領域前5%之人員。


This paper investigates the economics research productivity of 22 economic institutes in Taiwan. It provides criteria for economics research performance and hence a guideline for resource allocation. We first collect the publication records of 315 full-time faculties from 1995 to 2000 in EconLit data bank. We next aggregate all these research records into the records of separate institutes, and then rank the institutes, in terms of the total number of articles and the average number of articles per faculty in each year. To account for variations of a paper's quality, we weigh each publication in accordance with the Journal of Economic Classification Table of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica. To reflect the turnovers of the faculties, we evaluate the research performance based on both the author's institutional affiliation and the faculty's current research productivity.


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