  • 學位論文

學校教育對學生職場表現與能力培養之影響 —以台灣地區大學經濟相關科系為例

The Effect of University Education on Student Job Market Performance and Ability Development:The Case of Recent Economics Graduates in Taiwan

指導教授 : 傅祖壇
共同指導教授 : 黃芳玫


本研究所關心的主要問題為國內大學經濟相關科系之學校教育與畢業生表現之關係,資料來源為教育部卓越計畫之問卷與統計資料庫之統計資料,研究中選定了畢業生的第一次工作薪水、目前待遇、找工作時間長短等三個指標當作其在勞動市場中的表現依據。另外,再輔以教育心理學所定義之三類價值層面的指標,當作學生主觀面表現之分析依據,此三類指標分別為認知指標、情意指標與技能指標。本研究選定口頭表達能力、書面資料分析、解釋和解決問題能力、主修領域知識的運用、非主修領域知識的運用等五個面向,作加總成為認知指標;人際關係、管理領導能力等兩個面向,作加總成為情意指標;外語能力和電腦應用相關能力,作加總成為技能指標,最後再加總認知、情意、技能指標來建立一綜合能力指標。文中共建立了三個模型:大學畢業生的勞動市場表現模型、能力培養模型與薪資邊界模型。前二者模型分別用以探討畢業生勞動市場表現和質性層面之成長,後者則是由隨機邊界模型發展而來,用以討論勞動市場中可能出現訊息不完全的情況。實證結果有以下五點較重要的發現:(一)學校教育與學生勞動市場表現的關係只有在起薪方面較有影響力,工作一段時間之後,學校教育對薪水的影響力就大幅降低。(二) 學校教育對學生的能力培養有非常大的影響。(三) 決定學生薪資的主要因素是畢業生在勞動市場上的經驗,以及不同學生本身所具備的不同社經環境。(四) 勞動市場中對於工資的給付存在著嚴重的性別歧視,但對學生的自我評價中,卻不會因性別不同而導致評價差異。(五) 非學科性教育在縮短找事時間長短中,扮演了一個比學科性教育更重要的角色。最後,本研究針對實證結果給予國內考生、大學在學生、家長、教育當局一些有建設性的建議作結。


This study concerns mainly about the effect of university education on student job market performance and ability development. The data come mainly from the questionnaires of the exceptional plans of the ministry of education. We choose three measures to represent the aspect of job market performance, which are the first wage, present wage and the time spent on looking for the first job. Moreover, we also find some appropriate measures to contain the other side of the performance of the graduates, say three measures of ability development, which are the growth of cognition, tender regards and skills. The growth of cognition is composed of oral ability, ability of paperwork, ability of solving problems, how well they can make use of their knowledge of major field and non-major field. The growth of tender regards is composed of interpersonal relationship and leadership. The growth of skills is composed of foreign language and computer skills. We construct three models to assess the effect of university education, which are job market performance model, ability development model and wage frontier model. The first two models are used to discuss job market performance and ability development of the graduates respectively. The wage frontier model obtained by the correction of stochastic frontier model concerns about the existence of imperfect information in the labor market. Followings are some empirical findings of this study: 1.The impact of university education on job market is only significant when discussing the first wage. As time goes by, the impact decreases dramatically. 2.There is large impact of university education on ability development. 3.The wage is mainly determined by the labor market experience variables and social-economic variables each graduate has. 4.Other things being equal, Men always get more wage than women, but there is no difference when discussing their ability development. 5.Non-academic training plays a more important role on deciding how long each graduate looks for their first job than academic training. Finally, we give the students who are going to join the university entrance exam and who are studying in university now, parents and educational authorities some useful suggestions from our empirical results.


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