  • 期刊


The Effects of Guanxi on the Entry Mode Choice for Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms in China and Performance in an Imperfect Market


在中國大陸社會所呈現出特殊的網絡式資本主義現象下,在大陸投資則必須考量到「關係(guanxi)」經營對於降低風險與衝突的效果與影響,但這「關係哲學」因素在過去探討中國大陸市場進入模式策略方面之研究則顯少被提及,因此,本研究乃以「關係哲學」因素為研究臺灣製造業進入大陸市場模式選擇策略之主軸,並以臺灣製造業企業為研究對象。本研究之正式問卷乃是以目前臺灣製造業企業在中國大陸市場進行投資與經營的企業之高階經理人為訪談對象。本研究共寄發800份問卷,問卷之回收期間為2002年5月20日至2002年7月20日,得有效回收問卷共137份,有效回卷率為17.125%。本研究乃以徑路分析為主要之研究方法,並對研究架構與所建立之研究假設進行驗證。茲將主要之研究結論歸納如後: 一、在交易的過程中,若其為防範投機行為與不佳之交易氣氛發生,其通常會傾向與當地合作夥伴共同經營並建立尋租關係以提昇彼此之關係品質,因此,其一般將較傾向於採取低所有權控制之進入模式來進行投資。 二、所有權控制程度的調節作用將導致:當企業與其關係夥伴間的相互關係承諾愈多時,若其在中國大陸市場投資採取低所有權控制之進入模式時,通常愈能產生較高之銷售績效。


In consideration of the special communitarian form of capitalism in China, one of the most crucial business decisions a firm has to make when it intends to invest in China is how to deal with ”guanxi” to minimize the risks and frustrations. The lack of attention by past studies to the effects of ”guanxi” on firms' choice of mode of entry into China was the impetus for the focus of the present study. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data needed from Taiwanese manufacturing firms. Questionnaires were mailed to senior-level managers who were most likely to be involved in the decision process for their firms' entry into the China market. A total of 800 questionnaires were mailed during the two-month period from May 20, 2002 to July 20, 2002. A total of 137 responses were deemed usable for the analyses, a 17.125% usable response rate. This study tested the hypothesized relationships among variables by using the statistical technique of path analysis. The main research results are summarized as follows: 1. In order to prevent opportunistic behaviors and a poor atmosphere for transactions, Taiwanese manufacturing firms usually tend to build up rent-seeking guanxi with local partners in order to enhance relationship quality, so the low-ownership controlled strategy tends to be adopted. 2. The low-ownership controlled entry mode facilitates the negative role of relationship commitment in influencing the sales performance of Taiwanese manufacturing firms invested in China.


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