  • 學位論文


Power, Relationship Commitment and National Culture in Supply Chain Management: A Theoretical Study on Manufacturers in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China

指導教授 : 施人英


「如何有效地建立與通路的關係」是近年來行銷理論研究中頗受重視的研究主題。由於近幾年來,華人社會支配下的亞洲經濟突飛猛進的結果,使得關於華人企業組織中的管理哲學與實務受到許多研究者的矚目。與西方社會單純經由「個人與個人」互動形成的人際關係(Relationship)相比,東方社會的「關係(Guanxi)」源於中國傳統文化價值,在華人社會網絡中構成一種複雜且普遍的人際互動準則,「關係」存在與否能影響華人的商業活動、企業管理與組織行為。 因此,本研究透過文獻整理分析,以建立命題研究的方式,來探討「權力來源」類型對不同「關係承諾」因素之間的影響作為;同時亦透過過去「關係(Guanxi)」研究的實證成果,來提出華人商業社會如何理解不同「關係(Guanxi)」因素對於各項「關係承諾」構面產生的影響,並以「國家文化(National cultures)」維度作為華人社會中「權力」與「關係(Guanxi)」對「關係承諾」行為的干擾因素。 研究結果發現: (1) 權力類型與「關係」因素均能正向或負向影響供應鏈或夥伴合作關係的「承諾」構面。(2)「承諾」構面影響下的供應鏈交易行為是藉由權力與「關係」因素的連結而產生的。(3) 國家文化維度的干擾影響,可以區分為「認知面(價值觀)」與「實踐面(實踐活動的共同知覺)的差異。 本研究藉由對「權力」、「關係(Guanxi)」、「關係承諾」與國家文化之間的命題研究成果,提出一個結合西方關係行銷研究成果,與華人特有的「關係(Guanxi)」文化的跨領域研究。呈現出企業間的權力行為與「關係」因素,如何影響供應鏈中夥伴關係與整合問題的文化研究觀點。並期望藉由研究的成果,能夠呈現出更為清晰的概念,未來提出一套能不斷檢驗的實證設計,是包含華人「關係」文化意義,且具有實證理論背景的「華人關係」分類類型。


兩岸三地 權力 關係 關係承諾 國家文化


“The challenges on the development of channel relationship” has been an important issue in marketing theory. As Asia economy, dominated by ethnic Chinese, enjoys the tremendous growth in recent years, researchers are getting interested in the management philosophy and practice of Chinese corporation and organization. Different from the “relationship” basing on the interaction between individuals of the western society, in East Asian society, the “Guanxi”, deriving from Chinese tradition, upheld as the standard for individual interaction, is a network of influence, prevailing among the commercial activities, corporate management, and organization behavior. The study aims to explore the influence of different “power resources” on different factors of “relationship commitment” by establishing propositions to analyze the gathered data and literature; and using the result of empirical study to point out the understanding of Chinese business society on the influence of different types of “Guanxi” exerting on different constructs of “relationship commitment”. Moreover, the dimension of national culture is used as the intervention variable in the relationship between “power” and “Guanxi” , and “relationship commitment” in Chinese society. The findings are as follows: (1).Types of different power resources and the factors of “Guanxi” can positively or negatively influence the construct of “commitment” in supply chain or cooperative partner relationship.(2).The trading behavior of supply chain under the influence of the construct of “commitment” is performing in the basis of the connection of power and “Guanxi”.(3).The influence of national culture includes two aspects: the difference on “perceptions (values)” and the difference on “practice (shared perception of daily practices). By establishing the propositions and to study the relationship between national culture and “power”, “Guanxi”, and “relationship commitment”, the study proposes an interdisciplinary result integrating the western research on relationship marketing into the unique Chinese concept of “Guanxi”; and presenting an insight in the viewpoint of cultural study that in which way the corporate power behavior and the factor of “Guanxi” influence the relationship in the supply chain and process integration. The result of the study may serves as a tested empirical design for future study on the cultural meaning of “Guanxi” and as a convinced classification with tested theoretical base on types of “Guanxi”.


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