  • 期刊


The Virtual Paradox: A Deconstruction Perspective on Cyberspace




解構 虛擬 悖論 網路空間 幽靈


Through the means of paradox that characterizes deconstruction philosophy, this paper seeks to discuss how we deal with the virtuality of the Internet. Three effects stemming from deconstruction philosophy are (1) the undecidability, (2) the irreducibility, and (3) hauntology of the future (avenir/à venir). From the deconstructive perspective, the virtual is only the impossible of the actual, a difference between the actuals, an alterity that transgresses the actual. It is a belated reality to come, and it suspends the presence in an absent manner. Yet, by so doing, such a manner provides more possibilities for ”presence”.The problem between the virtual and the real is grounded on the fact that both of them are defined in terms of our ability to see and understand, through which the invisible and the irreducible are contended as unreal or virtual. This explains that a reexamination of realism is necessary if we intend to discuss the virtual space of the Internet. Do the actual and the real imply reality? Should we have an alternative understanding concerning the real? Should we continue to stay under the despotism of the actual? That is, should we continue to call those who are reconciled under the despotism of the actual the real, and those who are not the virtual? In other words, should we not simply try to distinguish between the virtual and the real, but rather conceptualize the two notions as a notion too irreducible and complicated to determine? Or does it suggest that a relation between the virtual and the real implies a self-referring exteriority, supplementing and referring to each other?Finally, the paper notes that the problem, in the face of cyberspace, relies not on the attempt to distinguish between the virtual and the real, but on the actual space underlying the virtual space. How can we face the new world again? In the face of the virtual, the question we tend to ask concerns not the one between true and false, but a rather radical one-what is human? Through deconstruction, the question we finally face is no longer the one that concerns the virtual and the real, nor one of conscious and body, let alone a question of technology and creation. Rather, it is a question about living, a question about raison d'être, as Derrida emphatically argues, ”We finally have to learn to live.” If virtual reality is a new different thing, it serves as an Other we encounter, or an impossibility. Our task, then, is to encounter it, and recompose a new form of existence and world meaning with the Other.


deconstruction virtual paradox cyberspace ghost


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