  • 期刊


Evaluating Taiwan's Matriculation Reform from the Perspectives of Efficiency and Fairness




This study evaluates Taiwan's matriculation reform after 1984 from the perspectives of efficiency and three conceptions of fairness in moral theory-utilitarianism, libertarianism, and Rawlsian social justice. The matriculation reform of 1984 removed limitations on women's career choices and enhanced women's opportunities to go to college. It also enhanced efficiency and satisfied all three conceptions of fairness. The Multiple Admission Program after 1994 mitigated the influence of family background in the traditional matriculation system. Multi-Star Admission enabled students in low-income families and nonmetropolitan schools to enter top colleges, satisfying Rawlsian social justice. The Admission via Recommendation, Multi-Star Admission, and Admission via Application programs allowed students to be paired with colleges according to their own wills directly, satisfying libertarianism. Students admitted by the Admission via Recommendation, Multi-Star Admission, and Admission via Application programs had high stability, grades and satisfaction. Accordingly, these three types of admission enhanced efficiency, which is in line with utilitarianism.


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