  • 學位論文


Efficiency, Productivity and the Evaluation of Difference between pre- and post- Promotion-The Empirical Study of Taiwanese Higher Education

指導教授 : 劉定焜


我國高等教育日漸普及與開放,國外大學亦來台招生設校,同時面臨人口出生率持續下降趨勢,如何營造有利大學發展的優質環境,保證大學教育品質,以提升國內大學機構的國際競爭力,必須由衡量大學機構經營效率著手,期使最少投資,發揮最大經濟規模效益。因此,探討國內大學機構經營績效是當前重要之課題。 有鑑於高等教育日趨競爭與經營環境日益惡劣,建構一健全之評估高教體系效率與生產力之機制,有其必要與價值。因此,本研究建構台灣2004年至2011年120所大學校院,共8年的panel data ,運用資料包絡分析法 (data envelopment analysis,以下簡稱DEA),以及麥氏 (Malmquist) 生產力模型,藉以衡量各校的效率值與生產力。除全樣本的估計外,與過去文獻不同在於本研究進一步將樣本區分權屬(公立、私立)、學制 (一般大學、科技大學、技術學院),進行效率與生產力之探討。 此外,本研究實證模型納入過去文獻中甚少考量的畢業生就業率與最低入學分數,作為DEA與Malmquist生產力模型之投入、產出項代理變數。最後,本研究進一步探究學院在升格成科技大學後生產力是否有所提升。相較於過去的研究,本研究具備更完整的研究期間與更詳盡的變數及樣本資料,並進一步選擇DEA與Malmquist生產力進行實證分析,期提供相關資訊予政府機關、教育機構、社會大眾與進修人士,作為政策擬定、校務規劃與發展、選擇升學與進修管道以及後續研究者學術研究之參考。


Higher education is growing and popularity, and foreign universities also establish their school and open enrollment in Taiwan. Therefore, it becomes the important issue to discuss the performance of our higher education. In view of this, it is necessary and worthy to construct a mechanism to evaluate the efficiency and productivity of higher education.Therefore, we construct an eight years panel date during 2004-2011 with 120 colleges in our sample. DEA and Malmquist index model are used to measure the value of efficiency and productivity. In addition, the differences from the past literatures are that we consider the ownership (public, private) and academic (General University, the University of Science and Technology, Institute of Technology). We discuss and rank the efficiency and productivity of the educational institutions. Moreover, this study takes into account the employment rate and graduates of the minimum entrance scores in our empirical model that previous literatures are rare to take into consideration. The input and output combine of schools, teachers and students. Finally, we measure the efficiency and productivity improved when the school from Institute of Technology was upgraded into University of Science and Technology.The empirical results show that the relative efficiency of Private Universities is better than National University. Productivity analysis shows that the schools of Private University of Science and Technology, and Institute of and Technology have more competitive and proposed to enhance efficiency. Productivity increased dramatically after upgrading of the national schools, and the poor performance in private schools. Further we conclude the method of improvement efficiency and productivity. This study have complete period, detailed variables and sample data. We expect the findings could provide information for government, educational institutions, community and learners. As the policy development, school planning, the selection of studies institution and research in future research reference.


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