  • 學位論文


The Analysis and Comparison of Performance from Taiwanese Vocational High School

指導教授 : 劉定焜


近年來台灣面臨人口出生率持續下降趨勢,少子化問題日益惡化,加上早期政府廣設大學之政策,促使就讀高中之人數遠超過就讀高職之人數,造成國內高職經營愈趨困難與競爭,如何營造有利高職發展的優質環境,保證高職教育品質,以提升國內高職的競爭力,必須由衡量高職經營效率著手,期使最少投資,發揮最大經濟規模效益。因此,探討國內高職經營績效是當前重要之課題。 有鑑於高職教育日趨競爭與經營環境日益惡劣,建構一健全之評估高職體系效率之機制,有其必要與價值。因此,本研究建構台灣 92學年至101學年 128所高級職業學校,共 10 年的panel data,運用資料包絡分析法 (data envelopment analysis,以下簡稱DEA),藉以衡量各校的效率值。除全樣本的估計外,與過去文獻不同在於本研究專注於國內高級職業學校之探討,並將研究期間拉長,可以進一步行跨期間之比較分析。相較於過去的研究,本研究具備更完整的研究期間與更詳盡的變數及樣本資料,並進一步選擇DEA進行實證分析,期提供相關資訊予政府機關、教育機構、社會大眾與進修人士,作為政策擬定、校務規劃與發展、選擇升學與進修管道以及後續研究者學術研究之參考。


In recent years, Taiwan is facing with the declining trend of population’s birth rate, worsening the problem of low birth rate, and coupled with an early government’s policy of setting up more universities, that promotes the enrollment of high school far beyond the number of vocational, and causing domestic vocational management more and more difficult and competitive. How to create a quality environment conducive to the development of vocational and ensure the quality of vocational education in order to enhance the competitiveness of domestic vocational we must begin with measuring domestic vocational operating efficiency, make a minimum investment to maximize economies of scale. Therefore, to explore domestic vocational management performance is important to the current topic. In view of higher vocational education is increasingly competitive and management environment is deteriorating, the construction of a perfect mechanism to evaluate the efficiency of higher vocational system, that’s necessary and valuable. Thus, this research constructs a total of 10 years of panel data of 128 advanced vocational schools in Taiwan from 92 school year to 101, using data envelopment analysis (data envelopment analysis, hereinafter referred to as DEA), so as to measure efficiency values of each school. In addition to the estimated whole sample, the difference from the past literature ,this research focuses on the investigate of the domestic higher vocational schools, and stretches the study period, a comparative analysis of the period can be further lines cross. Compared to previous studies, this study includes more completed study period , more detailed variables and sample dates, and further selects DEA for empirical analysis , and hopes to provide relevant information to government agencies, educational institutions, public and training people ,for policy making, school affaire planning and developing, selecting further study and training channels, and academic researches of follow researcher.


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