  • 學位論文


Assessing the Cost Structure and Efficiency of Polytechnic Higher Education Institutions in Taiwan-with Emphasis on Output Quality and Institutional Characteristics

指導教授 : 傅祖壇


高等技職院校的科技大學(含技術學院)以研究發展應用科技,培育高級實用科技人才為目標;專科學校以培育實用專門人才為目標。此外,高等技職體系的學校數及學生數皆多於大學體系,對於中高級專業人才之培養,扮演著相當重要的角色,且在臺灣的經濟發展中,其地位亦不遜於大學體系,至92學年度時,高等技職校數為89所,佔大專院校校數的56.3%,學生數達695,336人,佔大專院校學生數的55.0%。高等技職院校正面臨日趨競爭,且經營困難的環境,必須針對其成本結構與經營效率做進一步的分析,實為不可忽視之課題。 高等技職教育亦屬於知識生產與傳遞的服務業,因含有品質變數,更加不易精確衡量,而提供較佳的產出品質,意味含著較多的要素投入;因此,若忽略產出品質之差異,僅以產出數量來加以評估,亦會形成衡量失真的主要關鍵;所以,在高等教育的經濟分析上,納入教育產出品質的考量,一定具有必要性與合理性。所以,本文旨在探討產出品質變數與組織特性,對高等技職院校成本結構與經營效率之影響,冀望建立更精確的成本結構推估方式與經營效率分析模式。 本文第一部份採用隨機成本邊界法(Stochastic Cost Frontier),以短期成本推估長期成本,進一步探討有無產出品質調整時,對於各院校的規模經濟、特定產出規模經濟、範疇經濟及特定產出範疇經濟之影響。第二部份為各院校經營效率之估算,區分為成本效率與技術效率二大項,成本效率以隨機性邊界分析法(Stochastic Frontier Analysis),並依Battese and Coelli (1988,1995)提出的二種方式,計算成本效率值;另一方面,採用三階段資料包絡法(Data Envelopment Analysis),分析是否考量產出品質變數及組織特性,對於高等技職院校技術效率之影響;如此一來,才能在相同的條件下,進行客觀的經營效率之評量。 所以,本文以89-91學年度台灣194家高等技職院校為研究對象,探討有無考量產出品質變數及組織特性下,對高等技職院校的成本結構與經營效率之影響。因此,本文的實證結果可歸納如下: 1.由推估的成本結構可知,成本函數中存有資本固定,其值會低於長期時;未考量產出品質,其值會高於考量產出品質時。 2.考量產出品質時,整體而言,各院校皆具規模與範疇經濟,表示持續增加教育產出,平均成本會遞減;也表示同時生產四項產出的成本,會低於四項產出個別生產的成本。私立院校高於國立院校,專科學校高於技術學院及科技大學。 3.協助在校生取得證照、增加推廣教育招生及鼓勵教師從事研究,均可降低成本。私立院校在在校學生數及證照數較國立院校具有規模經濟,教師研究成果及推廣教育服務則反之;科技大學在在校學生數、證照數及教師研究成果三項最具規模經濟,技術學院則在推廣教育服務;工程導向在在校學生數、教師研究成果及推廣教育服務三項最具規模經濟,醫護導向則在證照數。 4.國立院校及科技大學,若將在校學生數與其他三項產出分離生產,則成本會低於同時生產四項產出的成本;私立院校及專科學校同時生產四項產出的效益最大;工程導向以在校生證照數及推廣教育服務最具有範疇經濟,商管導向則為在校學生數,醫護導向則為教師研究成果。 5.以Battese and Coelli (1988)的推估方式,成本效率值則為0.917,未考量產出品質,則會低估約2.5%。私立院校高於國立院校,專科學院高於技術學院及科技大學,商管導向高於工程與醫護導向;而組織間的差幅,也因產出品質的無法反應而增大,故產出品質較高的院校,則調整後之成本效率增幅就相對提高。 6.以Battese and Coelli (1995)的推估方式,將產出品質變數及組織特性視為無效率因素,則成本效率值為0.939,若未摒除二者之影響,則低估約10.0%。國立院校高於私立院校,學制別以科技大學最高,其次依序為技術學院及專科學校。 7.以三階段DEA法,在同時考量產出品質及組織特性之影響,則技術效率值為0.940,若未考量二項之影響,則低估約4.5%。國立院校高於私立院校,科技大學高於技術學院及專科學校,工程導向高於商管導向與醫護導向。 8.未考量產出品質或組織特性之影響,對於產出品質較佳的國立院校及科技大學,會產生效率值低估的情況,產出品質較低之院校會產生高估。除了Battese and Coelli (1988)之外,在產出品質與組織特性考量與否,將會導致不同組織特性效率值之高低排序產生迥然不同的變動。


The higher education institutions in Taiwan are de factor administrated at the discretion of the Ministry of Education for the past several decades. Issues on cost structure and efficiency of the higher education institutions have been highly debated in recent years. Most empirical studies use enrollments and research publications as educational outputs and in some instances differentiate the cost and efficiency by curriculum and programs in graduate and undergraduate instructions. They have mostly ignored the effects of quality differential on cost structure and efficiency measurement. The objective of this research is to develop an empirical model that explicitly accounts for the output quality and the institutional characteristics in evaluating cost structure and efficiencies to the polytechnic higher education institutions in Taiwan. Since output quality varies significantly among the polytechnic schools, ignoring such quality variation may result in bias estimation of the cost structure and efficiency. One hundred ninety four polytechnic higher education institutions are evaluated. These polytechnic higher education institutions include the universities of science and technology, the colleges of technology, and the vocational junior colleges. The output variables used are the number of full-time student enrollment, number of professional certificates obtained by students, faculty’s research publications, and the extension services. Six output quality variables are used to adjust the quality difference in teaching, research and extension services. The input variables are model specific. The institutional characteristics include the organizational factors such as school ownership, school type, and field specialization. A translog stochastic frontier cost function is estimated to compute the university’s economies of scale and economies of scope. The empirical results show that the sample average economies of scale is at 1.1239, and the economies of scope is at 0.7873. It implies the existence of both scale and scope economies at the polytechnic higher education institutions in Taiwan. When the quality of output is accounted for, the estimated efficiency index shows that the public college and university are more efficient in cost minimization. Furthermore, the proposed quality-adjusted stochastic frontier model has higher cost efficiency scores than the cost efficiency score estimated by the quality-unadjusted model. The quality of outputs places a significant role in assessing the cost structure and efficiency of a university. Empirical results show that the universities of science and technology have the highest efficiency scores, followed by the colleges of technology and the vocational junior colleges.


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楊世華(2007)。台灣農田水利會經營效率之比較研究─ 三階段DEA及Metafrontier模型之應用〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.01817
