  • 期刊


Defining Disability Studies: The Development of Disability Studies in UK and US and the Localization Process in Taiwan


英美障礙研究(Disability Studies)受到障礙者權利運動影響,自70年代後逐漸發展茁壯,以社會、文化及政治的障礙認識論,修正過去由缺損與個人模式爲主的傳統障礙觀點。然而,英美社會發展出的障礙研究,缺乏臺灣本土障礙者的實際生活經驗,臺灣社會學界在引用時往往產生許多限制。本文則以「障礙研究」爲研究對象,回顧英美障礙理論發展包括社會模式的影響與限制,探討人權模式與後殖民取向之興起,同時整理障礙研究的建制化,以及在臺灣社會所引發的在地化問題。最後,本文回顧現有臺灣障礙研究的文獻與貢獻,並討論臺灣障礙研究未來的圖像及展望。


"Disability studies" is an academic discipline developed in the industrialized countries since the 1970s, and it has developed various social, cultural and political epistemologies. This research reviews the theoretical developments of disability studies in social science, including the social model, minority model, human rights model and post-colonial approach, and discusses the institutionalization of disability studies in the English-speaking world. In addition, it reviews process of introduction of disability studies to Taiwan. Finally, it examines the disability studies literature in Taiwan and discusses the issues and challenges of localization and the future of disability studies in Taiwan.


張恒豪、蘇峰山 2009〈戰後台灣國小教科書中的障礙者意象分析〉,《台灣社會學刊》42: 143-188。(Chang, Heng-hao & Feng-san Su, 2009, “Representations of Disabled People in Elementary School Textbooks in Post-War Taiwan,” Taiwanese Journal of Sociology 42: 143-188.)
郭峰誠、張恒豪 2011〈保障還是限制?—定額進用政策與視障者的就業困境〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》83: 95-136。(Kuo, Feng-cheng & Heng-hao Chang, 2011, “Protection or Restriction? Employment Quota Policy and Life Experiences of Persons with Visual Impairment in Labor Market,” Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies 83: 95-136.)
麥麗蓉 2012〈脊髓損傷者主體性知識的探究:一個以「排便問題」進行協同探究的實例〉,《應用心理研究》53: 95-129。(Mai, Li-jung, 2012, “The Perspective of Spinal Cord Injury Survivors: A Collaborative Inquiry on Bowel Inertia,” Research in Applied Psychology 53: 95-129.)
曾凡慈 2008〈發現「遲緩兒童」:科學認知、權力技術與社會秩序〉,《台灣社會學》15: 165-215。(Tseng, Fan-tzu, 2008, “Discovering the ‘Developmentally Delayed’: Scientific Knowledge, Power Techniques and Social Ordering,” Taiwan Sociology 15: 165-215.)
董和銳 2003〈身心障礙之概念架構與社會意涵〉,《身心障礙研究季刊》1(1): 32-42。(Tung, Ho-jui, 2003, “The Conceptual Framework of Disability and Its Social Implications,” Journal of Disability Research 1(1): 32-42.)
