  • 期刊


Shipwrecks of the Taiwan Strait under the Perspective of Maritime Environmental History: The Case Study of Qing's Rotating Soldiers and Navy




This article reviews maritime environmental history, which has been proposed and dominated by Anglophone scholarship. In Sinophone scholarship, many studies could be placed under the framework of maritime environmental history. Still, they rarely focus on environmental elements, and lack interdisciplinarity. The present study utilizes shipwreck studies, a long-traditional focus in East Asian maritime history, as an agent to understand how to conduct maritime environmental studies in Sinophone scholarship. This article investigates the number of rotating soldiers and navy shipwrecks. Due to the Taiwan Strait's geographic features, the temperature is one of the most significant variables used to measure ocean current and wind intensity during the sailboat period. Using historical temperature reconstruction, this article argues that relatively low temperatures caused frequent shipwrecks in the Taiwan Strait during the Jiaqing and Daoguang periods, around the 1790s to 1840s, so the Chinese government reformed naval systems including the rotation of sailors, and pensions for the families of crew lost in shipwrecks.


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