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Spiritual or Secular? On Hobbes's Theory of Church-State Relation


綜觀霍布斯畢生的著作,可以發現一個明顯卻不太被關注的傾向:有關宗教議題的討論,在霍布斯越後期的作品中,所佔的篇幅越大。如果這個現象代表霍布斯對於宗教議題逐漸重視,那麼我們應該如何來評價這個部分?馬蒂尼奇(A. P. Martinich)認為霍布斯的主權者權力來自上帝,柯林斯(J. Collins)則認為政教關係(church-state relation)才是霍布斯宗教理論的核心。本文將指出,霍布斯的宗教理論是對於其公民科學(civil science)的另一種描述(alternative description),旨在透過宗教語言,讓當時耽溺在宗教紛爭的英格蘭,能夠接受理性推演結論。在這層意義上,馬蒂尼奇與柯林斯只說對了部分的情況。


霍布斯 馬蒂尼奇 柯林斯 宗教


Among his numerous works, Thomas Hobbes’s writings concerning religion receive relatively little attention. This seems an odd ignorance since he was getting more and more attentive to this subject in his later works. In recent years Hobbes’s conception of religion has been taken more seriously for its role in his whole theory. A. P. Martinich holds a deontological interpretation of Hobbes’ theory that the power of the sovereign comes from God’s command. Rather, Jeffery Collins contends that the essence of Hobbes’ idea about religion lies in the church-state relation, which dominates his allegiance to the sovereign. Contrary to these opinions, I argue that Hobbes religion is an alternative description of his civil science. The reason why he was doing so consists in his belief that the pervasive discourse in contemporary England is rather religious than rational. To promote his civil science, it is necessary to wrap his theory with a Christian disguise.


Austin, John Langshaw(1975).How to Do Things with Words.Cambridge, Mass:Harvard University Press.
Cranston, Maurice William(ed.),Peters, R. S.(ed.)(1972).Hobbes and Rousseau: A Collection of Critical Essays, Modern Studies in Philosophy.Garden City, N.Y:Anchor Books.
Brown, Keith C.(ed.)(1965).Hobbes: Studies.Oxford:Basil Blackwell.
