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The National "Myth": A Critical Policy Discourse Analysis of "Ainu Story Recognition" under the Japanese Heritage System


2018年,北海道上川地區的12個市町村,共同以「與神共生的上川愛努:傳承於大雪山麓的眾神世界」(カムイと共に生きる上川アイヌ~大雪山のふところに伝承される神々の世界~)為題,提出「日本遺產」申請,並順利獲得認定。此一認定除意味原住民族文化獲得官方肯認,成為日本文化不可或缺的一環;也標舉了近來日本政府加速推動多元文化的努力。有鑑其重要性,本文擬在「批判政策論述分析」(critical policy discourse analysis)的理論引導下,結合移地研究田野調查成果,來對這宗個案進行分析。對此本文指出,日本遺產制度嘗試透過「故事」來串接各式文化資源。此一構思打破了既有以「保存」為主軸的文化財行政思維,實為政策上的創新嘗試。但從更為批判的角度來看,不難發現日本遺產制度其實鑲嵌在國族建構與經濟發展等論述框架之中,致使愛努看似獲得重視,卻依然處於邊緣的位置。有鑑於此,作者指出吾人在歡慶原住民族文化獲得肯認之際,亦需認識到所謂的納入(inclusion),也可能帶著進一步被邊緣化的危險。


In 2018, 12 municipalities in the Kamikawa region of Hokkaido submitted an application for "Japan Heritage" under the title "Kamikawa Ainu in Coexistence with Kamuy: Traditional World of the Gods at the Foot of Mt. Daisetsu", which was later approved by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the government of Japan. This approval not only means that the Ainu/indigenous culture has been officially recognized as an integral part of Japanese culture overall, but it also marks the recent efforts by the government of Japan to accelerate the promotion of multiculturalism. In view of the importance of such a recognition, this paper examines the case under the framework of Critical Policy Discourse Analysis combined with fieldwork data. The findings demonstrate that the Japanese heritage system attempts to link various cultural resources through "stories", which break the existing administrative mindset of "preservation" as being the main axis of cultural property. This can be deemed to be truly innovative. However, when viewed from a more critical perspective, it seems clear that the Japanese heritage system is embedded in the discourses of nation-building and economic development, resulting in the Ainu's "seemingly valued but still marginal" position. The paper concludes that while we celebrate the recognition/inclusion of indigenous cultures, we also need to be aware of the danger of further marginalization that accompanies it.


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