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Improvement of Fertilizer Applications on Tun-Kan Fruit in I-Lan District


為探討宜蘭地區桶柑正確的肥培管理方法,以改良土壤的酸化及各種營養生理障礙,改善宜蘭地區桶柑產量漸低,果皮增厚,果實糖酸度降低的現象,在宜蘭縣三星鄉及員山鄉進行本試驗。試驗結果顯示:兩個地區供試土壤均為砂質壤土,土壤呈酸性反應,P¬_2O_5、K_2O及CaO含量過高。添加腐植酸2 kg/plant及有機質肥料8kg/plant兩個處理能有效地提高桶柑糖度,79年度在員山地區及三星地區分別增加2.8~3.1°及2.2~3.0°Brix;80年度則提高約0.5~0.9°及1.0~1.3°Brix。至於產量方面,兩年的試驗較不一致,79年度以施用矽酸爐渣2 kg/plant之處理效果較佳,員山及三星地區分別增產15%及8%。80年度在員山地區則以添加腐植酸、有機質肥料及微生物肥料處理對產量的提高較明顯,各約增產92~93%。三星地區以添加有機質肥料較佳,增產82%左右。而過多的雨量、日照不足的氣候亦為限制因子之一。


柑橘 肥培管理


Most of citrus orchard soils in I-Lan are characterized by its strong acid reaction. The strong acidity of soils is presumed partially responsible for the low productivity and short life of citrus trees. The problems are resulted from using large amount of acid fertilizers and continuous rainfall during the period of fruit growth. The bases of establishing optimun criteria of citrus leaves for the diagnostic purpose in Taiwan have been reviewed, and the criteria has been established. According to this criteria, the nutritional problems of citrus in I-Lan are low in calcium, magnesium and high in nitrogen. To improve the yield and quality of citrus in I-Lan, different kind of fertilizers were applied in orchard. Results showed that humic acid (2kg/ plant) could increase sugar content about 3 Brix and 1 Brix, organic manure (8kg/plant) could increase the yield about 8~15% and 82~93% in 1990, 1991 respectially. Therefore, continuous supply of organic manure and improve the soil acidity could increase the absorption rate of nutrition and promote the yield and quality.


Citrus fruit Fertility management


