  • 學位論文


Effect of different fertilization managements on Allium fistulosum growth, soil chemical properties, enzyme activities, and microbial communities

指導教授 : 鍾仁賜


青蔥為臺灣具重要經濟價值之經濟作物。為減輕成本,農民往往採用連作,但產量隨連作次數之增加而減少,且易罹病蟲害,影響甚鉅。連作障礙的發生原因可能是物理性、化學性或生物性的。研究指出青蔥連作使土壤酸化,影響植物營養。施用石灰及有機質肥料有助於改善其連作障礙,然造成青蔥連作障礙原因仍不甚明朗。影響青蔥生長之土壤相關研究僅限於化學性質,未見對其土壤酵素、微生物生態的研究。本研究之目的在探討不同施肥管理對青蔥生長、土壤化學性質、酵素活性及微生物族群結構之影響,以期提供研究青蔥栽種及管理青蔥栽種土壤之參考。青蔥進行兩作栽培試驗,收穫後採植體進行產量與養分分析,收穫時同時採取根圈土壤進行化學性質、酵素活性、微生物生質量及微生物族群分析。試驗於臺灣大學溫室進行,土壤採自宜蘭,共六處理六重複,採完全逢機設計:試驗處理有:(一)對照組(CK),不施任何肥料;(二)化學肥料處理(CF);(三)有機質肥料氮一倍量處理(1X);(四)有機質肥料氮二倍量處理(2X);(五)有機質肥料與化學肥料 各半處理(CO);(六)有機質肥料氮一倍量並加入苦茶粕處理(TO)。每盆裝10 kg 土壤。化學肥料施用量每盆為1.56-0.65-0.65 g(N-P2O5-K2O)。第二作栽培時未施肥。作物分別於移植後第一百日採收,均採取全株,同時亦採取根圈土壤。試驗結果顯示不同施肥管理對土壤化學、生化性質、酵素活性及微生物族群均產生影響。施用尿素會使青蔥栽培土壤變酸。施用化學肥料之土壤與施用茶渣牛糞堆肥者比,其有機質含量、酵素活性及微生物生質量較低,有較高的真菌/細菌比例,並且特定微生物逆境指標提高。施用茶渣牛糞堆肥時,土壤酸化問題改善,有機質含量較未施用茶渣牛糞堆肥者高,與土壤有機質相關的酵素活性與微生物生質量亦提高。添加苦茶粕於施用茶渣牛糞堆肥之土壤中,有較低之放線菌/細菌比例。各處理第二作後之土壤pH、酵素活性、微生物生質量與微生物族群PLFA濃度均顯著較第一作後者之相同處理者低,其中化學肥料處理之兩作差異最大。第二作後之兩倍有機質肥料、一倍有機質肥料與化學肥料處理土壤中之革蘭氏陽性菌/革蘭氏陰性菌比例顯著較第一作相同處理低,其中化學肥料處理下降26%最多。青蔥第二作收穫後,化學肥料處理土壤放線菌/細菌之 PLFA 比例顯著低於第一作後相同之處理。植體生質量與土壤酵素活性、硝化作用、微生物質生質量與PLFA有極顯著相關。酵素活性彼此間與微生物族群彼此間有顯著相關。第二作化學肥料處理青蔥產量下降幅度達35%。青蔥栽培施用化學肥料,可能會有土壤品質與青蔥產量下降之風險,而施用有機質肥料則有助於維持栽培土壤pH、酵素活性、減輕微生物逆境,增加土壤微生物生質量。


Green onion (Allium fistulosum L.) is an important cash crop in Taiwan. Monocropping of green onion is a common agricultural practice. Howerer, monocropping often resulted in lowing soil quality and increasing pest and disease incidences as well as aridification of the soil. Application of organic matter or lime can alleviate the problem resulting from monocropping. There are studies about the monocropping of green onion on the soil chemical properties. However, the effects of monocropping on soil biochemical properties and microbial properties are need to study. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different fertilization managements on green onion growth and soil chemical properties, enzyme activities, and microbial communities. The experiment was conducted in a green house in National Taiwan University. The soil used was taken from an green onion cultivation farm land in I-lan. There were six treatments (1) no fertilizer application for control, (CK) (2) applying chemical fertilizer treatment (1.56-0.65-0.65 g pot-1)(N-P2O5-K2O), (CF) (3) applying organic fertilizer with the same amount N as CF, (1X) (4) applying organic fertilizer with the two-fold amount N as CF, (2X) (5) applying 50% of chemical fertilizer and along with 50% of organic fertilizer mixed, (CO) (6) applying organic fertilizer (same as 1X) and tea seed pomace, (TO). All treatments were replicated six times and arranged in completely radom design. No fertilizer was applied in the second crop. The plants were harvested after 100 days after of transplanting. Soils of root zone were taken after haversting the crops. The plants were subjected chemical analysis for the nutrient contents and the soils was subjected the analysis for chemical properties, enzyme activies, microbial structure using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA). The results indicated the soil pH, organic matter content, enzyme activities and microbial biomass of chemical fertilizer treated plots were lower than those of organic matter treated plots. The fungi/bacteria ratio and specific microbial stress indicatior of the CF treatment were higher than those of organc fertilizer treatments. The actinomyces/bacteria ratio of the soil of TO treatment was higher than that of organic fertilizer treatment. All enzyme activities studied showed a significant linear correlation with the organic matter cotent of the soil. There were significant correlations between the activities of different soil enzymes. There was a significant difference between the soil pH, enzyme activities, and microbial biomass of treatments between the first and the second crop. After harvesting of the second crop, the Gram positive/negative bacteria ratio of the soil of the 1X, 2X and CF treatment were significantly lower than the soil of the same treatment of the first crop. The Gram positive/negative bacteria ratio of the soil of the CF treatment decreased 26% in the second crop compared with the first crop. After harvesting of the second crop, the actinomyces/bacteria ratio of the soil of the CF treatment was significantly lower than the soil of the same treatment of the first crop. There were significant correlations between green onion biomass, soil biochemical properties, microbial biomass and PLFA. There were significant correlations between green onion biomass, and soil biochemical properties, microbial biomass, and PLFA, respectively. The biomass of second crop green onion deceased 35% compared with the first crop. In conclusion, application of chemical fertilizer may result in a decrease in soil quality and green onion yield. Organic fertilizer resulted in maintaining the soil pH, increasing enzyme activities and microbial biomass of the soil that cultivated green onion, as well as reducing the stress conditions for microbes.


丁文彥。1993。蘭陽地區青蔥栽培土壤酸化及連作障礙之改進方法。行政院農業委員會花蓮區農業改良場農業彙報,6: 2-4。


