  • 學位論文


Studies on the impactsof long-term applications of different organic fertilizers on the mechanisms of continuous cropping obstacle of Ipomoea aquatica under the greenhouse condition

指導教授 : 黃良得


設施栽培短期葉菜類為臺灣北部有機蔬菜之主要生產方式,搭配有機質肥料的施用以生產安全自然的農產品。然而,設施內之單一作物連續密集栽培易造成連作障礙,導致作物產量下降,品質降低,加上不同有機質肥料的施用,除會改變土壤理化性質外,亦會影響土壤中根分泌物質量及微生物生態。本研究擬探討設施內長期施用不同有機質肥料對短期單一葉菜類的連續耕種後,土壤基本性質、生物分泌物質量及微生物生態之影響。實驗選用蕹菜 (Ipomoea aquatica) 作為試驗作物,而不同有機質肥料之處理分別為:牛糞堆肥 (cattle dung compost, CDC)、豬糞堆肥 (hog dung compost, HDC)、雞糞堆肥 (chicken dung compost, CHC)、大豆粕 (soybean meal, SBM)、豌豆苗殘體堆肥 (pea seedling residue compost, PRC) 及以上五種有機質肥料輪施 (rotational application, RA)。試驗設計為連續栽種蕹菜三作,每作生長期為28天後進行整株採收,休耕七天後施用有機質肥料並進行下一作栽種,試驗前取各小區土壤作為控制組。結果顯示,於長期施用不同有機質肥料的土壤連續栽種三作蕹菜後,其產量顯著下降,此表示有連作障礙的發生。雖然各連續耕種處理之土壤基本性質無明顯差異,但各酵素活性除尿素酶及芳香基硫酸單酯酶之外,其餘則隨栽種次數的增加而顯著降低。此外,連續栽種蕹菜後土壤中總酚類及總黃酮類的含量也有顯著變化;總酚類含量隨著栽種次數的增加而降低,而總黃酮類含量則隨之增加,推測連作障礙的發生可能與土壤中二次代謝物質量的改變有關。由變性梯度膠體電泳 (DGGE) 分析結果發現長期施用不同有機質肥料會改變土壤細菌與真菌群落的組成,且經連續耕種後各處理之土壤微生物群落量皆有顯著增加的情形。次世代定序之結果也發現連續栽種蕹菜三作後,施用大豆粕會造成土壤中的優勢菌屬改變,且細菌菌屬組成亦有明顯差異。本研究證明在長期施用不同有機質肥料的土壤中,二次代謝物質量與微生物群落的變化可能為造成蕹菜連作障礙發生的原因。


Facility cultivation of short-term leafy vegetables with organic fertilizer application was the main method of producing organic vegetables in northern Taiwan. However, intensive and continuous crop monoculture may easily lead to continuous cropping obstacle, and resulting in decreasing crop quantity and quality. Although the application of different organic fertilizers may improve soil chemical properties, it may also influence the profile of root exudates and the ecology of soil microorganisms. This study aimed to examine the effects of long-term organic fertilizer applications, on soil chemical properties, biological exudates and microbial community structures of soils which were continuously monocultured with leafy vegetables in the facility agriculture system. The organic fertilizers used in this study were cattle dung compost (CDC), hog dung compost (HDC), chicken dung compost (CDC), soybean meal (SBM), pea residue compost (PRC), and the rotation of the above five organic fertilizers. In this study, Ipomoea aquatica was used as the model crop, which was continuously cultured for three times with each crop cultivated for 28 days, and subsequently whole plant and soil samples were collected for analysis. Before each cropping, there was a period of seven (7) days resting, after applications of respective fertilizers for the different treatments, the I. aquatica seeds were sowed onto each plot. The results showed that continuous cropping with organic fertilizer applications caused significantly decreased in I. aquatica biomass, suggesting a cropping obstacle on the growth of I. aquatica. There was no difference in soil chemical properties between the periods of three crops; however, with the exception of urease and arylsulphatase, the enzyme activities of soils decreased with increasing cropping of I. aquatica. Futhermore, the total phenolic content in soils was significantly decreased, whereas the total flavonoid content increased, suggesting that cropping obstacle may be associated with the changes on the quantity and quality of secondary metabolites. Resilts of DGGE analysis showed that long-term application of different organic fertilizers can led to the changes in the composition of bacteria and fungi communities. Soil microbial populations after continuous cropping also appear to increase with increasing number of cropping. The results of next generation sequencing analysis also indicated that the continuous cropping of I. aquatica with application of soybean meal caused the changes in the dominant genus of microorganisms and the microbial composition in the soils. In summary, this study indicates that the changes in the contents of total phenolics and total flavonoids, as well as the microbial populations may have play an improtant role in the continuous cropping obstacle of I. aquatica cultivation in the controlled environment agriculture system.


