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Radiological Evaluation of Chondroblastoma


軟骨母細胞瘤是一種比較少見的良性骨瘤,常生長在骨髓(epiphysis)部位,好發於年青人,較常發生於長骨(long bone)其典型的放射線徵象是骨溶性病灶,其邊緣清楚或有微薄的骨硬化,病灶中間可能併有小斑點狀的鈣化。自民國58年至民國74年間,我們覆閱了七位經過手術,並經病理證實為軟骨母細胞瘤之病例及其放射線檢查,發現當一般常規素片(plain film)呈現出典型的放射線徵象時,傳統的斷層攝影(conventional tomography)能夠提供更多有價值的資料;然而當病灶比較大,較具侵潤性(aggressive),或比較不典型的(atypical)時候,傳統的斷層攝影固然可以提供更進一步的資料,但是由於電腦斷層攝影(CT)具備了優良的橫切面解析影像條件,對於病灶的邊緣情形,鈣化與侵犯的範圍皆能清楚的偵測出來,提供了更精確的診斷資料,讓骨科醫師作更好的手術計劃(surgical planning),以避免不完全的切除及病灶的再復發。




Chondroblastoma is an uncommon benign bone tumor, it usually occurs in adolescent and young people and arises in the epiphysis near the growth plate of long tubular bones. The typical radiological features of chondroblastoma are as follows: a round or oval osteolytic lesion with a well-defined margin whch usually has a thin sclerotic rim and often has minute or punctate calcifications. From 1969 to 1985, seven surgically proved cases of chondroblastoma were reviewed. We acknowledge that conventional tomography will give more detail of the lesions if the plain films are typical; however, if the lesions are large, aggressive or atypical, although conventional tomography is still helpful, CT is superior in delineating anatomic extent, intralesional calcification and marginal condition due to its highly axial resolution. Therefore better surgical planning can be carried out and the incidence of recurrence can be reduced.




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