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Giant Cell Tumor-Roentgenographic Diagnosis

骨巨細胞腫瘤(Giant cell Tumor)之放射線學診斷


骨巨細胞腫瘤占原發性骨骼腫瘤的4%。好發於長骨的骨端,年齡層在30-40歲,偏向女性。此腫瘤多為單骨性(monostotic)發生。 台北榮民總醫院由1969-1990年,一共收集得33個病例,其中男性13人,女性20人,平均年齡38歲(17-59歲)。主要的病變位置在長骨端,但有一個病例發生在胸椎,二個病例發生在腰椎,一個在薦骨,一個在顳骨.有一個病例在七年後發生肺部轉移,它的原發性腫瘤在股骨頸。33個病人的X光片上,病灶的表現是膨脹的(expansile),溶解的(lytic),偏位的(eccentric)。在電腦斷層攝影上呈現透X光的(radiolucent),薄皮層(thin cortex),皮層突破(break through)。主要症狀有疼痛,腫脹,行動不便,骨折。在這些病人中有11人做過電腦斷層檢查,它提供更清楚的腫瘤狀況。 我們的建議是每個骨巨細胞腫瘤的病人在治療前皆要有X光及電腦斷層的檢查。而後者能給予腫瘤更明確的範圍以利開刀治療。


From 1969 to 1990, 33 cases of giant cell tumor (GCT) was proved pathologically in our hospital. They were 20 females and 13 males. The age ranged from 17-59 years with 3 of them above 50.The lesions were mostly located at the extremities (82%). One of the patient had lung metastasis 7 years after surgical excision of his primary femoral neck lesion. The main clinical symptoms and signs of giant cell tumor included pain, swelling and limited range of motion. Plain X-ray film showed expansile, lytic and eccentric location of the lesions. Pathological fracture was also present. Computed tomography showed similar findings but more accurate in identifying the presence of soft tissue mass as well as safe margin for surgical resection.
