

未實行乳房全切除術(mastectomy)的乳癌患者,在放射線治療時通常採用三個照野的技術(three-field technique),此技術涉及複雜的幾何問題,因此在應用上有許多不同的方法。為簡化過程,我們使用半照野屏蔽塊(half block)的方法來解決各照野間射束相接的幾何問題。為能評估治療部位的情形,我們在相切照野範圍內選擇數個截面攝取斷層攝影片(tomography)再重疊畫在一張紙上藉以評估在各截面胸壁及肺的情況,並且可藉一簡單的計算在紙上預知轉動準直儀(collimator)後各截面相切線的改變情形。為使模擬攝影的時間縮短,我們把計算和討論的過程留在工作室內完成。因此以簡化過程及縮短時間的考慮而言,本文提供一準確且迅速的方法應用在早期乳癌的治療。


The three-field technique is commonly used for radiation therapy of early stage breast cancer, without mastectomy, this technique presents complex geometric problems. For the purpose of simplification, we use half beam shielding block to solve the problems of the beam divergence and the matching adjacent fields. In order to know the patients' data over the treatment area, including patients' contour, outline and lung volume, we ordered tomography for several planes in tangential field and overlapped these planes on one sheet of paper. This plane can help us to recognize where the tangential line passing through and by a simple calculation, we can estimate the change of tangential line in these planes after rotating collimator. In order to shorten the simulation time, we suggested that the procedure of calculation and discussion be proceeded in a separate workroom. Thus, the method being proposed here, simplify the procedure and shorten the set up time and also is accurate in the treatment of early breast cancer.
