

多頻道耳蝸內人工電子耳的手術在國外已行之有十數年,已被證實為後天性重度失聰者的一種有效助聽器。但有關電子耳植入後的放射線報告稀有正式論文發表。 奇美醫院自1991年6月起開始引進多頻道耳蝸內電子耳的植入術,至1994年5月間共有七位病人接受手術(有六位成人和一位六歲兒童)。術後病人全部都接受一般X光攝影評估是否植入得當。我們認為polytomography, CT, MRI都有其短處,無法評估電子耳之電極環串及算出植入耳蝸內的電極數。我們由各種一般X光攝影方法的研究證實cochlear及Stenver's views為最好的攝影方法。重要的內耳解剖如上半規管,前庭,電子耳本身的電極環串等都能清楚表現出來。我們由上半規管劃一直線與電極環串形成之交點假設為電極環串穿入耳蝸點一即此點以內才是有效的耳蝸內電極。由此方法我們可以算出進入耳蝸內而有功用的電極環串數目。以上兩種攝影方法為評估手術是否成功的重要參考。


Implantation of an electronic device into the cochclear as a form of hearing aid was performed as long ago as the early '80s [1,2,3], but postoperative radiographic evaluation of cochlear implants was rarely reported in the radiological literature [4]. Plain film radiography was the method-of-choice here because polytomography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) all have their inherent limitations. Cochlear and Stenver's views, as concluded from this study of seven post-operative patients (six adults and one six year-old child), are recommended because they better delineate important land-marks such as superior semicircular canal, vestibule and intra-cochlear electronic arrays, allowing a reconstructed line dropped down from the superior semicircular canal passing through the middle of vestibule which then crosses the electrode arrays (beads) at the true cochlear entry site. Thus, it was possible to count the number of potential functioning intracochlear electrodes. Any postoperative slippage or kinking of the electrodes can be detected by plain film radiograms.


Ear, prostheses ear, radiography
