

本研究主要目的為探討第五版(1997)美國癌症聯合委員會(AJCC)鼻咽癌分期手冊是否更適用於台灣鼻咽癌病患。本研究共有一百九十六位經切片檢查證實為鼻咽癌病患。所有病人皆具備頭頸部之電腦斷層首磁振造影、胸部X光片、腹部超音波,及骨骼核子掃描的資料。所有影像資料皆存入電腦並依照AJCC第四版及第五版鼻咽癌分期系統做癌症分期。所得之結果以病人之五年存活率、局部復發,及遠端轉移來做比較。結果顯示,第五版AJCC鼻咽癌分期手冊對五年存活率及局部復發情形有較好之預測率。遠端轉移率則無明顯差別。所得到的結論為第五版AJCC鼻咽癌分期手冊比第四版更適合台灣地區的病例。 註:第六版(2002)與第五版完全相同


鼻咽癌 腫瘤分期 預後


The fifth edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging manual defines new rules for staging nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The authors tested the value of this new system by applying these rules retrospectively to their previously treated patients and comparing the results with those obtained using the fourth edition of the AJCC staging manual. Information form 196 patients who had biopsy-proven squamous cell carcinoma of the nasopharynx that was treated with definitive-intent radiation therapy alone or combined chemo-radiation therapy (CCRT) at one institution provided the data base for this analysis. The extent of disease of each patient was staged according to the rules of 1) the fourth edition of the AJCC staging manual, and 2) the fifth edition of the AJCC staging manual. The new system appears to be better than the previous system. It separated patients into cohorts of more equal size than did the previous system. It also correlated with outcome for the study population more appropriately than did the fourth edition of the AJCC staging manual. The fifth edition of the AJCC staging manual appears to be an improvement over the previous edition for the staging of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
