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Extrusion Cooking of Rice Flour-Effects of Screw Profile, Feed Rate, and Screw Speed on Residence Time Distributions


米穀粉在雙軸食品擠壓機(APV Baker MPF 50/25)內之滞留時間分佈情形可用比色法來測定。本研究在實驗上之變數為螺絲元件組合,進料速率,螺軸轉速等。3×3×3之複因子設計用來研究實驗變數對滯留時間分佈之影響情形。 實驗變數對平均滞留時間均有顯著之影響。增加擠壓機計量區內前向螺件之數量,提高進料速率或螺軸辅速等,均會降低物料之平均滞留時間以及使得E曲線往左移動。但,此等實驗變數對於滯留時間分佈範圍之影響則比對於平均滯留時間之影響較不顯著。


A colorimetric method was used to study the residence time distribution (RTD) in an APV Baker MPF 50/25 twin-screw extruder using rice flour as the feed material. The process variables were screw profile, feed rate, and screw speed. A 3×3×3 factorial experiment was designed to study the effects of process variables on residence time distributions. The effects of process variables on the mean residence time were significant. In general, increasing the number of forward paddles in the extruder metering zone, feed rate, or screw speed decreased the mean residence time and shifted the RTD E curve to the left. However, the influences of process variables on the RTD spread were less significant than on the mean residence time.
