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  • OpenAccess


Simulation of Circulating Rice Dryers and Its Application on Personal Computers


近年來,由於農村勞力老化,人工缺乏,因此在農事作業中,農業機械之應用已成為不可或缺之重要項目。稻穀之乾燥問題更是如此。目前循環式乾燥機為國內使用之主流,其機械化之程度已接近百分之七十八,總推廣台數達三萬台。這些乾燥機幾乎全為國產品,然在技術層面上,仍無法有進一步的突破,必須抄襲或仰賴國外之設計資料與型式。 利用電腦模擬乾燥過程之想法,在國外已相當盛行。尤其利用微電腦之功能與操作,事先瞭解各種變因下之乾燥情形與結果,可減少重覆試驗之複雜工作,也減少金錢投資與時間上之浪費。惟國內在此方面之研究仍然很少,一些廠商本身雖有研究部,但能實際應用者,則寥若晨星。有些甚至認為將一般乾燥理論應用於實際之設計工作,直接以微電腦執行操作,仍然視為遙不可及的階段。 本計畫之主要目的,乃是針對稻米之乾燥基礎理論進行探討與試驗,期能配合循環式乾燥機之乾燥過程,以微電腦加以數值模擬、分析,並建立循環式稻穀乾燥機之基本乾燥模式。使其能廣泛為機械設計者、製造者以及學術界所採用。並可作為一般作業研究之參考。模擬程式之使用以個人電腦在交談方式下執行,使一般不懂電腦原理的人亦可使用本程式。


水稻 循環式幹燥機 模擬


The aging and short supply of farm labors have necessitated the application of farm machinery in Taiwan. The problem of rice dryer is a good example in point. Currently, circulating dryer dominates up to 78% of domestic market, totaling more than 30,000 sets in use. Almost all of these are manufactured locally. However, as far as technology is concerned, most of the d in prototypes are reliant upon foreign companies. Indigenous inputs have been lacking. Computer modeling of grain drying has gained popularity in some foreign countries. By using personal computers, drying condition and results under variable conditions can be easily obtained while reducing unnecessary and repetitive experimentation and resulting in significant savings in time and money. Studies on simulation model of grain drying in this country have just begun. Very few, if any at all, R&D personnel in local companies have benefited from such exercise. Some still think the applications of general grain drying theories onto practical design work and operates directly by personal computers are far beyond their reach. The purpose of this project is to study the theoretical basis of rice drying and to simulate the drying process of a circulating type rice dryer with the aid of personal computers. Validation tests will be performed to help build a successful model for future design and teaching uses. The model, if completed, can also serve as a tool for general operation researches. The program will be run interactively so that even beginners can operate easily.


Rice Circulating dryers Simulation


