  • 學位論文


Study on Bin Circulating Drying

指導教授 : 馮丁樹


本研究嘗試以層倉式乾燥法、對數模式與非平衡模式,模擬與分析應用於圓筒倉循環式乾燥。二段式乾燥是目前解決乾燥容量不足的另一種方案,本研究試以低溫暫存筒作為乾燥中心內部儲存部份濕穀之場所,並進行乾燥,以增加乾燥系統之能量。除室內實驗外,並於民國93年6月至8月期間,以宜蘭五結農會乾燥中心之圓筒倉進行二段式乾燥實驗,利用其循環系統,以維持乾燥之運作。就試驗結果,圓筒倉在攝氏50度之熱風乾燥下,每日之乾燥速率約為1%。而整批稻穀自25%乾至19%約需六天。 本研究配合實驗結果,並撰寫MATLAB程式進行模擬。其中包括NTUDRY1、NTUDRY2、NTUDRY3及NTUDRY4。利用這些程式可以分別模擬靜置式、層倉式、循環式與二段乾燥。模擬結果與實驗資料可相互印證。利用模擬過程與室內小型圓筒倉實驗比較,可以得到幾項結論: (1)對數模式能模擬乾燥帶的厚度,可以決定圓筒倉循環式乾燥之循環速度,避免斗升機持續操作所浪費的能源。(2)非平衡模式與層倉式乾燥法,可以有助於了解圓筒倉循環式乾燥系統,不同穀層穀層厚度下所造成之風量,準確地預測整體乾燥時間的長短。(3)風量是主導整體乾燥時間的關鍵,而循環的目的是為了提升乾燥效率與整筒含水率之均勻性。


圓筒倉 循環式 乾燥 模擬


This study intends to simulate hopper bins with circulating elevators using layer-drying, logarithmic and non-equilibrium models. With the temporary bin, as used for cooling proposes, the system capacity can be enhanced by employing a two-stage drying. The hopper bin not only plays a role for the temporary storage of wet paddy, but can act as a slow dryer, thus increasing system capacity. Experiments were performed in labs and at the drying center of the Wo-Jei Farmers’ Association in 2004. The two-stage drying was undergone in a successful manner and, according to the results, the bin had a drying rate of 1% per day, which dried paddy of 25% down to 19% within 6 days under a hot air temperature of 50C. In this study, four MATLAB programs has been developed and validated, namely, NTUDRY1, NTUDRY2, NTUDRY3 and NTUDRY4, which can simulate the stationary dryer, layer dryer, circulating and two-stage drying systems, respectively. With these, conclusions are drawn on the lab results: (a)The logarithmic model is fast and easy to predict the dry-zone in depth, so the circulating rate in a circulating bin can be determined, preventing power loss during operation. (b)The non-equilibrium model and layer drying method are helpful to solve the required airflow at different depths and predict the total drying time. (3) The airflow rate is decisive to the total drying time and plays a role to keep the uniformity of rice drying during the circulating process.


Bin Circulating Drying, Simulation


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