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Simulation of Rice Drying and Handling System


政府於民國76年開始輔導鄉鎮農會設置「穀物乾燥中心」,直接收購農民之濕穀,統一乾燥,以確保稻米品質,並降低生產成本。由於本省稻穀收穫期短而集中,必需設置大量的乾燥機才能滿足收穫尖峰時期的需求,如依此設計,需龐大空間及財力投資,而使用率又低,形成投資浪費,值得研究因應之道。 為了使乾燥中心的乾燥機及儲藏系統達到最佳的經濟效益,必須瞭解各斗升機、螺旋輸送機之運送量,乾燥機之乾燥量及暫存倉之儲藏量對整個系統作業能量之影響。本文利用電腦模擬豐原市農會乾燥中心構成模式,探討出最佳各單元機械之組合,做為規劃及設計未來乾燥中心之參考。


模擬 水稻 干燥


To insure rice quality and lower production costs, the government began to help county farmers' associations establish rice processing plants called ”drying centers” where rice is dried collectively. The harvest period is short and concentrated. Thus, if design of a drying center is based on peak harvest, it requires many dryers, additional supporting machinery, and a large building, greatly increasing the cost. Because of low utilization rate, drying centers are a great waste of resources. Further research is needed to find out more cost-effective means of assisting rice producers and the industry. In order to design a drying and storage system to achieve optimum return on investment, it is important to understand how the capacity of the bucket elevator and screw conveyor, drying capacity, and storage capacity affect the capacity of the whole system. This paper presents the development of the simulation model of the existing Feng Yuan farmers' association drying center to investigate the best combination of individual machines. The result can be used for further planning and design of rice drying centers.


Simulation Rice Drying


