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Studies on the Fundamental Testing of the Chicken-Catching Machine


應用真空吸力技術取代人工作業方式,是目前抓雞自動化發展方向之一。為發展更有效地真空吸力抓雞技術,本研究發展一套室內吸附頭模擬測試實驗設備,藉由吸附測試量測吸力、高度、角度、輸送速度等資料,供為研發設計抓雞機械之參考。綜合測試結果分析,風扇油壓馬達轉速與吸入口風速呈線性關係,其相關係數達0.99 以上,並得抓雞機械最佳設計資料如下:雞隻重量在1.75~2.0公斤,抓雞吸附頭離地高度25公分,風速20~24.5m/s,即可吸附抓雞,而輸送皮帶與地面夾角22度且往前延伸10公分為最佳,當輸送皮帶速度維持0.26~0.49 m/s 時,每小時可抓雞2300~4400隻。


肉雞 抓雞機械 吸力原理 自動化


The application of vacuum suction technique to replace the hand operation for catching chicken is one of the effective ways to develop catching chicken operation automation. In order to achieve the advantages of this technique, an indoor-simulation catching device was set up. It was used to simulate the catching operation and measure the corresponding data of the suction force, height and angle of the suction device, as well as the transportation speed of the conveyer. These data can be used to modify the design of the chicken-catching machine. According to the test, the wind speed at suction entrance is linearly dependent on the rotation speed of the fan motor. The correlation coefficient is higher than 99%. For the chicken weighing between 1.75~2.0kg the suction device can be placed at 25cm above the ground with the air speed at 20m/s~24.5m/s.The downward conveyer can achieve the best performance with an angle of 22 degree above the ground and a 10cm extension in the forward direction. When the downward con veyer has a transportation speed of 0.26m/s~0.49 m/s, the chicken can be caught at rates of 2300~4400 chickens per hour.
