  • 期刊


Environmental Research of Chicken Farm Health and Safety Improvement: A case Study of a Chicken Farm


禽肉和蛋品是全世界消費動物性蛋白質最重要的產品,雞肉則是營養均衡的食品,也是最能被普遍接受的動物性蛋白質來源之一。受經濟蓬勃發展,肉雞飼養產業逐漸朝向採用擴大經營規模。但是,養雞場卻經常遭受各種問題困擾,例如空氣的汙染、禽病、野外動物侵襲、雞隻保溫及遭受設備控制故障問題。因此,飼養業者改善雞場的安全衛生措施是相當重要的議題。重視並落實雞場環境安全衛生可減少對養殖雞隻的威脅,以達到永續經營目標。雞場環境安全衛生的規範是要運用各種適當的方法,特別是嚴格執行與定期做好清潔消毒工作,以降低病原、微生物,甚至是病毒侵入雞場。防止疾病以任何方式傳染給雞群,以生產衛生、安全的雞肉產品。「工欲善其事,必先利其器」,因此本研究若想要提昇雞場生產效能,則須改善生產設備及增加防治方式。減少各種安全衛生問題,並非絕對要花大錢來蓋新設備,最重要的是須要建立正確的「雞場安全衛生」的觀念,以期運用低成本創造出高安全性之安全衛生養雞環境。本研究透過個案分析法將工業4.0 監視與控制的觀念應用在傳統養雞場,改善其生產操作與管理。若監視與即時控制能應用在養雞場,甚至能改善人員工作效率、動物入侵、瓦斯外洩、溫度極端變化等相關問題。經改善後估計可以降低30~40%的蒼蠅量,改建水濂式雞舍後,也間接改善了粉塵逸散、動物入侵、瓦斯外洩的問題。產值也從385.5 萬元提升至950.4 萬元,改善項目之花費僅需26 個月即可回本,開始盈餘。


Both of Poultry and eggs are the world's most important sources of animal protein products for consumers. Generally speaking, chicken meat, as animal protein food, is more nutritious and economic food than red meat. The strong economic demand makes the poultry market flourish, but the poultry farms often suffer from various problems, such as environmental air pollution, avian influenza, aggression of wild animals, chicken body temperature dropping, and malfunction of facility control. Therefore, the improvement of poultry farms on the environmental safety and health becomes an important issue. This study focuses on the improvement and implementation of farm safety and health processes to reduce the threat to poultry, in order to achieve sustainable development goals of a chicken farm. There are many ways to keep the farm environment in safe and healthy conditions, and the most important thing is to strictly implement disinfection and cleaning work to reduce pathogens. Regular disinfection work can prevent infectious disease from spreading into chicken population and, as a result, provide good quality chicken products to consumers. To reduce various safety and health issues, it is not absolutely necessary to spend huge money investing in new devices. Most important of all, we need to establish a correct concept of "farm safety and health," so as to reduce the cost of maintaining the operation of a safe and healthy chicken farm. Our research utilized the case study approach to apply the concept of industrial monitoring and control of Industry 4.0 to the traditional farms to improve their operation and management. In doing so, the monitoring and control instrument can provide the farmers or managers with real-time vision at any time; meanwhile, it can improve staff productivity, animal intrusion, gas leakage problem, extreme temperature changes and other related issues. Compared with the traditional operation, the improved operation results in the reduction of the number of houseflies from 30% to 40%, and helps improve such problems as dust escaping, animal intrusion, gas leakage, etc. The production value increased from NT 3,855 to 9,504 thousand dollars, and the improvement expenditures started yielding a surplus in 26 months.


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