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Development of De-Husker for Coconuts


國人對於椰子的利用傳統上採用剖切方式僅攝取汁液,剩餘果皮殘渣便隨處丟棄嚴重製造污染,因此椰農轉型推出剝殼椰子,即先行剝除椰子外殼僅存內果皮(硬殼)再加以冷藏保鮮販售,果皮殘渣再經粉碎後當介質利用,作法上較為環保,目前剝殼方式仍以人工為主。本研究針對椰子基本物性加以探討分析,進而規劃設計剝殼機構。 調查顯示椰子外觀大部分呈三稜形,果實由外果皮、中果皮、內果皮組成,外果皮呈綠色或淺黃色,光滑堅實,富韌性,中果皮屬纖維層含軟木屑包覆著內果皮。經試驗結果顯示果皮含水率變化與破壞力之間有密切關係,即外果皮破壞力隨著含水率下降有逐漸增大現象,中果皮破壞力與含水率多寡無直接關係,但與纖維條數、厚度有關。本研究初步設計三角錐型齒剝殼機構以拉扯方式將椰皮撕裂,效果不佳且容易造成硬殼損壞使汁液外溢,因此改用高速旋轉的盤刀以切削方式進行對椰皮的破壞則可得到較佳的剝除效果,剝殼率最高可達57.3%,殘餘果皮再依賴鋼絲輪來加以去除。


椰子 剝殼機構 設計


Traditionally, coconut juice is served by firstly cutting the upper part of a coconut by manual way. Remainders of coconuts was discarded which does cause result in serious environment problem. Therefore, a new product, frozen husked coconuts are promoted in the market. A husked coconut is an inner hard shell by peeling the outer shell of a coconut. By crashing the outer shells to pieces, they can be used as cultural medium to grew plants for environment purpose. In this paper, fundamental physical properties of coconuts were studied and the mechanism of a sheller was developed. The results of physical property showed that the destructive stress was increased as water content in epicarp was decreased. No correlation between them in mesocarp was made, but related to the thickness of fibers. Accordingly, a cutter assembly was designed to tear strip the epicarp of a coconut to 57.3% of husk and a high speed steel wire wheel was used to polish the shelled coconut.


Coconut Husking Mechanism

