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A Critical Examination on the Studies of Welfare Employment Programs in the United States



輔導就業以協助那些支領福利津貼的家庭脫離貧窮,自八○年以來已成爲改革美國社會福利制度的重心之一。截至目前,文獻已累積許多以這些輔導就業計畫爲旨趣的評估研究。 本文將探討他們的主要研究發現,進而檢視相關的研究方法問題。經綜合比較,歸納出下列的結論:(l)這些輔導計畫對支領福利津貼者的就業及收入有一定程度的正面影響;(2)具隨機抽樣的實驗設計研究是較好的方法來估計這些就業計畫的影響;(3)非隨機取樣的組研究可能因選擇性的偏差產生不可靠的推估結果。


To date, there has been a large bundle of literature concerning the impacts of Welfare Fmployment Programs on welfare recipients. This paper is to summarize their main findings and then review several important issues related to evaluation methodology. Based on my critical observations, I conclude that there is a clear indication of positive earnings and employment impacts across most of the WEP-based studies; however, the evidence is still diverse to some extent and is subject to several qualifications. In addition, the following conclusions are quite certain at this moment. An experimental design with randomization is the most favorable way to produce robust estimates for program effects; however, there are several limitations in performing randomization and the result is also generalizable only for the target population. on the other hand, the selectivity or selfselectivity bias may be produced in the absence of random assignments.


Social welfare AFOC Welfare reform Waluation study
